ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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"I'll be back later!" she shouted in hopes that Drogos and Embar heard it.

She carefully made her way out of the house as the stairs leading up to it were very steep. As she was finally down out of the house, she came face to face with the handsome elf with dark hair that had spoken up to queen Arya. She backtracked a bit when she saw the look of disgust in his eyes as he looked upon her.

 She backtracked a bit when she saw the look of disgust in his eyes as he looked upon her

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Imagine him with black hair

"Come human" he said to her "As the queen said, I will be the one giving you the tour of Ellesméra"

"Thank..." she wasn't even able to finish the sentence before the elf turned around and begun to walk away from her "Rüder motherfucker" she muttered a few curse more words rather colourful that she had heard her mother mumble sometimes around Winterfell when she had to do too many things without help (Well, I'm pretty sure you already know what it means).

Allara was having a little hard of a time following the taller male. He wasn't waiting for her as he walked through the forest.

"Could you fucking slow down?" she hissed between her clenched teeth, forgetting all sense of proper manners already.

His head snapped back to her and his bright blue eyes stared down at her. He was silent as he inspected her, the look of contempt in his eyes still present.

"And get that look out of your eyes. I don't understand why you seen to hate me so much. In fact most of you do" she continued.

"Do you truly wish to know?" he hissed right back as he stepped closer, trying to intimidate her "It is because you are a human rider who has taken a place an elf could have taken"

"First off, I am not a rider like the ones you have here as I am not from your, 'continent'. You might have seen that if you have looked more closely at Drogos and Embar. I am not, what did Eragon call it? Bonded to them. They are completely independent of me" she saw his eyes widening in surprise "Second off, fuck you!" Allara gave the elf the bird that her mother had taught her, which obviously got the male confused.


Vanir stared at the human girl in shock at her outburst and reacted in confusion when she clenched her hand into a fist and kept her middle finger up as she shouted 'Fuck you!'

His eyes were still wide open as the human woman walked in front of him leaving him behind. Vanir felt something akin to amusement at her reaction.


Allara continued fuming all the way back to the elven palace with the elf right on her heels. Queen Arya was already waiting for her at the entrance and Allara walked up right to her.

"Lady Allara Stark, we have deemed that you will be allowed to stay in Ellesmera until we receive further news from Eragon" the black haired elf queen said "We will teach you the Ancient Language and 'keep you on your toes', like you humans say"

"Thank you your highness" Allara said.

She hadn't been expecting how her trip was going for now but she was glad she was getting the chance to encounter new things.

"Allara!" the few elves on the streets of the forest city flinched as a loud roar sounded.


The turquoise she dragon that had come with Allara landed near them, her form towering over them all. She let out a few roars and grunts and Vanir realised the dragon was communicating.

"Keligon shouting. Skoros iksos ziry?" the human woman...Allara said (Stop shouting. What is it?).

The dragon calmed down and lowered her wings.

"Embar this is Vanir?" he nodded curtly at her as she turned to look at him questioningly "And Vanir this is Embar"

"It is good to meet you lady Dragon" he bowed his head in the presence of the great creature.

"Don't bow to her, you'll only feed her ego" lady Allara said.

The she dragon flicked her double tipped tongue out in mockery and snapped her head away from Allara and Vanir.

"I do not think you know this lady Stark" Vanir said "But here dragons are respected far more than any others"

"Please call me only Allara" Allara said.

Even if the elf man was going to be rude to her, she preferred not having her title mentioned if she wasn't home. Vanir stared at her more as if her disregarding her title was an unthinkable thing for him.

"Ao ryptan bona Embar? Aōha royalty kesīr hae ao istan arlī isse Westeros" Allara said in a cooing tone (You heard that Embar? Your royalty here as you were back in Westeros).


Drogos and Embar had enjoyed following Allara all around the Seven Kingdoms and they themselves had decided to go with her far from their home. They had panicked during the storm that had them fall unconscious as they were scared for Allara since she was a simply little two legs. Luckily she had ended up being okay.

They had washed up in and island on a completely different land what seemed far away from their own, where they met a metal man with a dragon head that talked in their minds and stones that had the souls of dragons inside them. There was also a hatchery full of hundreds of dragon eggs. There was also a baby dragon on their tail all the time which they got attached to.

They were trained by the 'Eldunarí', as they called themselves, and they even helped their little Allara practice her sword fighting.

After about eight days (the time passed very quickly in my chapters but about ten days passed the first few chapters) they met a blue dragon and his rider that Glaedr called his students, and the blue dragon had four legs apart from her wings which looked strange to Drogos and Embar.

The very day after they met Saphira, who Embar didn't really like too much, and Eragon, they decided to go to the land of the elves where Eragon said they would receive both help and training. Agaravel had been feeding them energy to get safely through the trip, which had felt strange at first until it then felt refreshing.

Now here they were, meeting a whole city of elves that worshipped dragons.

"Allara is with one of the male pointy eared two legs" Embar relayed to her brother through their minds like Glaedr had taught them to do.

"And?" he asked still blinded by sleep.

"He is quite a looker for a two legs and you know Allara likes her lookers"

Drogos jumped from his comfortable place on the nest built out of the tree stumbling down clumsily as he tried his best to hurry his way to where his sister and Allara were.

"I'm on my way!" he shouted back to her.

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