ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯

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The people of Bullridge were being led by a rope that attached them to each other. Most had brought in by wooden cage pulled by dark horses with what appeared to be red eyes. The humans trembled in the cold of the place they had been taken to.

"Is that all there was in that town?" the Other asked the guard at their side as he watched when the rest of the guards down below forced the people into some sort of black cells with others.

"We 'left' the children as you ordered" the man quoted with his finger "And the city was smaller than we though"

"How many more towns can we go to?" the Other turned and stalked his way back onto his dark chair, the hood covering his face shadowing his features so that they were not visible.

"There are plenty my liege" the guard said nervously.

"Then get me more humans so I can begin their change" the Other said menacingly "And place the eggs you found with the others"


The horse Angela had chosen was a dark chestnut and the one that had approached Vanir was a pretty grey. The older woman had handed Allara a blue roan horse with stocky build. All three of the horses appeared to be pulling horses but Angela said they would do for the trip and Allara was not disputing her.

They actually managed to find some saddles, albeit a bit more worn than desired, and saddled the horses that remained shockingly calm and fine with having strangers on their backs.

"Stay above us and try to keep close to the clouds out of sight" Allara told them, switching to English.

The two dragons nodded their heads from a distance as they spooked the horses and jumped into the air, the white dragon and their bags clinging onto their backs.

They all got on the horses and Allara tried applying some pressure with her heels on the horse's sides. The horse beneath her answered which meant that he had training on the saddle. The other two horses also walked on when they were asked to and so they were on their way.


"Your Highness" a servant hurried into the Ilirea throne room which had been changed after Nasuada had taken her place on the throne five years back, after the death of Galbatorix "A letter has arrived from Jörmundur via dove"

Nasuada motioned for the young man to bring the bird to her and she sent him away once the dove had situated itself on her wrist with a coo from the animal.

Once only she and the girl at her right remained in the room, the dark skinned woman unrolled the parchment the messenger had brought and once she did she stood from her throne.

The queen interpreted by her original actress, Caroline Chikezie.

"Elva, could you do me a favour and go tell the guards to have someone call for King Orrik?" she asked the young girl who continued to sit quietly humming as she punctured the handkerchief she had been sewing and pulled the threat to the other side.

The girl looked into the queen's dark eyes and held her gaze a bit before standing from her place and moving over to the door where the guards would be waiting there.


"You two okay back there?!" Angela asked the two who were following right behind her.

"For the fifth time Angela, we are" Allara responded before she turned to look at Vanir once more so he could keep teaching her the simple spells Arya had told her to practice.

"Brisingr" he told her (Fire).

Once he looked happy with the way she spoke it, he handed her a dry branch and told her to direct the spell onto it.

"Brisingr" Allara repeated with a clear voice as she tried to send her energy into it, and to her surprise, from the branch burst a small spurt of fire "I did it!"

Vanir smiled at her, showing his appreciation to her success.

"Arya told me you could do magic" Angela said "So why do you need classes?"

"My magic is...different" Allara scratched the back of her head.

"How so?" the woman asked her.

Instead of telling her, Allara decided to show her. She took Ânogar from its sheath and sliced it in a vertical line up her forearm, her red blood flowing down from it quickly as she held back a hiss of pain. Before Angela or Vanir tried to offer to heal it for her or hand her something to stem the flow of it, Allara did as her mother has taught her.

Rather than with her mind she reached into the energy she usually had coming from her chest and drew on that.


Angela and Vanir, who had not yet truly gotten a show of the woman's powers, stared down at her arm as the veins that showed blue there begun to turn into a darker sheen and her wound begun to stich itself back together, the skin and tendons visible as they reached over the other side to fuse the skin back into its original place.

Not even a light scar was left behind.


Allara was glad she had received her mother's legacy as the use of this kind of magic always gave her a rush of dopamine.

"Thank you mother" she said in her head.


"Cregan darling, I do not mean you any harm. I just want to know why you ate the last of my strawberries" a pregnant Aurora Belgrave said in a sickly sweet tone.

The lady of Winterfell had been like that since she discovered she was with another child a week after her daughter left and she already felt murderous about her cravings being taken. She felt an ich coming up to her nose and making her sneeze.

"Someone must be talking about me" she thought out loud before going in search of her husband who was hiding under his desk, the remains of his wife's summer fruit still staining his mouth.


Thorn was making his way to Vroengard for the very first time in his short life after the message Murtagh had received from Eragon had told him to go there to discuss something of great importance.

"What did the letter say?" he asked his Rider.

"Eragon didn't mention anything specifically but his letter sounded serious. And we are to far from the main land for me to be able to scry him, especially with the amount of wards I am sure he has around the place where they have the eggs and Eldunarí. So we must go to him"

And like so the ruby red dragon sped up.

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