ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶 𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢

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"Fuck yeah!" They heard the woman exclaim as Embar let herself drop a few feet below Drogos.

Vanir gave Allara a pointed look as she realised the other woman was probably less qualified at the moment to 'teach' Vanir about those things.

"Of course" she smiled at him "If you keep up the Ancient Language lessons with me"

"Naturally" he told her with a rare smile on his handsome features.

"Naturally" he told her with a rare smile on his handsome features

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Less menacing of course.


A red dragon flew above the sea as far from Alagaësian territory as you could find it. In the Eastern Reaches. Its Rider sat atop the creature with a helmet on his head to hide his features. White feathers caught his eye as a pure dove struggled to keep up with the dragon's rythm.

The man raised a palm so the bird could find rest on it and took the note he noticed attached to its foot. He unrolled it right as the dragon landed on an island, the contents making him ask the dragon to burn it.



The day was ending sooner than Allara had expected it to. They had left the forest landscape behind a while ago and the two dragons were beginning to get thirsty and hungry.

"Do you know of a nearby place we can stop at for the night?" Allara asked Vanir.

"If we veer our way a bit to the SouthWest we could find the city of Gil'ead" the witch shouted from her place on Embar "There is also a forest with a lake and a fair amount of large mountains where the dragons could stay hidden"

"Then to Gil'ead we go" Allara told Drogos.

The two dragons turned ever so slightly so they would arrive at where Angela had told them.

Not that much later they arrive at the edge of a lake where the dragons landed, startling a few of the birds in the trees there.

"Umbagon kesīr syt īlva mērī nykeā tubis nykeā lanta. Lo īlon gūrogon longer than bona māzigon se find īlva. And keep Agaravel close" she pressed her forehead to theirs one by one as she said goodbye for now (Wait here for us only a day or two. If we take longer than that come and find us. And keep Agaravel close).

They lowered the bags from the dragons and each of them covered themselves with dark cloaks, Allara having her bright hair tucked in.

The walk up to the city gates didn't take too long but the sky was already darkening.

"Halt! Who goes there?" the man at the top of the gate asked.

"We are but humble travellers" Angela said "We mean you no harm"

There were a few sound from behind the large door as the bolts were thrown unlocked and the door slowly slid open. A rather plump old man waddled out, the armour he wore not really fitting him anymore.

"State you names and business" he asked them.

"I am Angela, a mere Soothsayer. This is Mel, an elven bard" she signalled to the dark haired elf who faked a smile despite his eyebrow twitching "And the lovely Rose, my apprentice"

Allara bowed low, a kind smile raising on her face as the manner of acting came easily to her.

"Oh, well then" the man's eyes seemed to only focus on Allara's own dark ones, thinking it a trick of the light when he caught a violet gaze in them "Go right ahead"

When they were allowed in and out of earshot from the guards Angela's gait turned more guarded.

"It's good you are as pretty as you are Llara" the older woman said with a hum.

Allara's smile had dropped and she was fuming, her arms crossed over the riding clothes she had on.

"Ay come of it child. Oh look, an open tavern" the witch led them to the building nearby

They walked into the place being careful with the servants that were cleaning the front door of old spiderwebs and up to the front desk where another large man leaned on his hand with a bored expression on his face.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" his voice drawled out.

"We wanted three rooms please" Angela said with a happy tone of voice.

"Sorry to say ma'am, but we only have one single room available" the man continued in his bored tone.

His demeanour changed when Angela slapped a purse of coins on the wooden front desk making the man jump in surprise.

"Three of your finest rooms, close to each other" Angela repeated with a smile.

The man handed them large copper keys and swiped the money off the table quickly, calling a servant to lead the three to their rooms. As they had asked for, the rooms were close to each other, joined at the sides.

"Alright then, Rose..." Angela handed the other woman the key to the room in the middle "...and Mel" she gave the other one corresponding to the left to the elf "We'll meet out here tomorrow in the morning. We wake each other up if the others are not yet arisen"

The other two nodded and said their goodnights, entering their own rooms and closing the doors behind them. Allara threw herself onto the flimsy cot that was a sad excuse for a bed and closed her eyes, not bothering to change out of her clothes despite them smelling like dragon.

'Allara found herself in a dark room with tall stone walls and cold marble floors. She pried open the thick metal door which surprisingly fell off of its hinges when she pulled, and left the room to find a way out of the strange building.

As she wandered deeper through the building, a sense of unease settles over her, and Allara become aware of a presence lurking nearby.

Suddenly, a pair of glowing black eyes appear in the darkness, accompanied by a low hiss. It's a hooded strangely shaped creature with gangly legs and a dark hood to cover the rest of its misformed body. A black claw pulled back the hood to reveal its black scales glistening under the moonlight and a huge bald head. Where its face was supposed to be was a strange beak-like mouth which opened when it hissed to revel a purple tongue, and its sharp claws tapped against the ground as it approaches you, emitting an eerie, raspy sound making Allara nervous.

It was a Ra'zac.There was no mistaking the disgusting appearance of the creature.

Despite herself, her heart raced with fear as the Ra'zac circled her, studying her with its menacing gaze. She tried to run, but her feet feel heavy, as if rooted to the spot.

As the Ra'zac draws closer, Allara's eye caught the glimpse of the moon reflecting off of a dark metal surface. here at her feet lay Ânogar. With a quick move, Allara picked the Valyrian steel sword from the floor and avoided a swipe of the large claws at the same time.

With a short shout she swung the blade in an arc upward and just as it was about to make contact with its neck she felt herself shaking'

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