ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔑𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫

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"B4 to..."

"Allara! Embar" Drogos interrupter their game "Elfy two legs here to see us!"

"Oh, pity" Allara swiped the chess pieces off the table messing over their game as Embar was about to win the checkmate.

"You knew I was going to win" the she dragon told her "And don't forget your sword"

"On it!" Allara grabbed the sword in its sheath from the table and stepped out of the house and down the stairs.

Waiting at the bottom of the tree house were Vanir, the queen and a female elf who felt older than even the queen of elves. Drogos and Embar joined them down from the nest making the new elf take one step back.

"We're down" Allara announced.

The Queen Arya was wearing a red tunic hanging off of hips loosely and held up by a threaded golden belt. Clipped to her shoulders was a mantle made of white swan feathers.

Vanir was wearing a dark grey tunic shirt and dress pants paired with a silver belt and a silver clip holding back a few pieces of his hair.

The other elven woman was wearing a fully loose grey tunic that looked like it was a bit stained and her feet were bare. Her completely silver hair tied back in a similarly loose ponytail.

"Allara, before we go in to have dinner, I want you to meet Rhunön, our blacksmith" queen Arya gestured for the older elf to walk forward "Rhunön these are Lady Allara Stark and her companions Drogos and Embar"

"Welcome to Du Weldenvarden" the elf said doing the strange elf greeting "Lady Stark"

"Please, only Allara. No titles for me" Allara said, receiving an approving look from the older elf, as Drogos bowed his head down to their level so he could stare at the two legs directly and take a sniff of the new baby dragon.


"Drogos stop trying to unnerve the kid" Embar said as her brother managed to make the white tiny dragon squirm on his rider's shoulders.

"Uncle Arrax used to do the same to us when we were younger. Why can't I do it as well?" the red and black dragon whined.

"He's smaller than we were and..oup" Embar got cut off when Rhunön walked forward and made a show of inspecting the siblings.

Embar watched as Allara, the elf Vanir and the queen of the two legged elves waited to see what the woman named Rhunön was doing.

"Why are you missing two legs?" Embar understood her say.

She tried out the mind talking trick that the Eldunarí had taught them. She noticed the wince on the female two legs face when she accidentally forced herself into the alien elven mind of her. She tried to do so more slowly and Rhunön opened her mind to her.

"Our kind is always born like this" Embar told her.

"Ah yes, what the queen has mentioned to us is truly an interesting case" the elf said "Now for the sword"


Allara turned to the elf woman in surprise, her hand flying to the hilt of her sword.

"R...right now?" she asked hesitantly.

"Allara is correct, it will be better to go to the banquet that has been prepared for our new arrivals" Arya said "You can compare notes later"

"Of course my queen"

"Your Highness, I mean no offense but, why is he here as well" Allara leaned her head in closer to the queen as she tried to be discreet.

"Umaroth wished to meet Drogos and Embar" the elf said making Allara cringe inwardly. She had forgotten that Glaedr had told them of the elves enhanced senses which included hearing.

"Oh" Allara blanked out as she felt embarrassed that he had heard her.


"He's staring" Drogos protested while the two legs continued to converse with each other "Embar make him stop staring at me"

The white baby dragon had finally stopped trying to keep away from the massive dragons and was staring right up at the oldest of the two with similar bright red eyes to him. It was quite amusing to see a baby dragon try to square up to a dragon to which he was only about the size of one of his smaller horns.

"Drogos, shh" his sister shushed him as she followed behind Allora and the others to where the banquet was.


Allara strolled at Vanir's side behind Arya and Rhunön, the second of which was throwing a few glances back at where Allara was still holding her hand over the hilt of her still sheathed sword. She tried to ignore the looks she was receiving from the elves also walking down from their homes to the same banquet.

"I smell it, you're nervous. Relax little one" Drogos said as he tried to keep his head from tilting too much so the white baby on there wouldn't fall off.

"I'm fine" she breathed out slowly to calm her nerves.

Even back home when she had been in public functions she got extreme anxiety from it unless she had her brothers at her side.

"Like we said" Embar grunted "We're here with you. We're not leaving your side"

"Drogos, Embar" Arya turned to the two dragons "I'm sorry to tell you that you might be too large and Firnen has suggested you join him for a hunt so you can dine with meat"

"We'll still be close to you" Embar said, while her brother was trying to convince Umaroth to get off of him with no success.

"Thank you Embar" Allara said in Valyrian "How is it that you and Embar always manage to get the babies attached to you"

"It's a gift" Embar let out an amused chuff "Now come brother"

Drogos turned tail and walked off with his sister as baby Umaroth continued to bite down on one of his back horns.

"Now come Lady Allara"

Arya reached a hand towards the young woman and led her to a very long table carved out of smooth rock. There was a red mantle on the table where several elven maids continued to come out and pile dishes of food like fruits and little tarts.

The rest of the table was being decorated by flower bouquets. Arya led Allara to one of the seats near the head of the table. Arya sat herself down at the head of the table on the largest wooden chair that was decorated by carvings of flowers and other swirly methods.

Vanir placed himself by Allara's side as other elves that looked of higher status sat in front of them close to the queen. The rest of the table filled out slowly over time as the last plates of food were slid onto the table.

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