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POV: Your Daryl's little sister and you die.

Rick carried Y/N lifeless body in his arms as he made his way back to the prison. The group had been on a supply run, and they had been caught off guard by a group of raiders. Y/N had been shot in the crossfire, and there was nothing that could be done to save her.

Daryl had been out on a separate run when he received the news. He rushed back to the prison, his heart pounding with fear and dread. When he saw Rick carrying Y/N body, he collapsed to his knees.

Y/N had been Daryl's little sister, and he loved her more than anything in the world. They had grown up together, and he had always been fiercely protective of her.

Now, she was gone. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't accept it.

Rick laid Y/N body down gently on the ground, and Daryl crawled over to her. He took her hand in his and wept openly, his grief overwhelming him.

Rick and the others stood back, giving Daryl the space he needed to mourn. They knew that there was nothing they could say or do to ease his pain.

As the sun began to set, Daryl finally stood up. He wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to Rick.

"We need to bury her," he said, his voice hoarse with emotion.

Rick nodded, and the group set to work digging a grave for Y/N. They worked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and memories.

When the grave was finished, Daryl picked up Y/N body and carried her to her final resting place. He laid her down gently and covered her with dirt.

As the others said their goodbyes, Daryl stayed by the grave, his hand resting on the dirt. He knew that he would never forget Y/N, and that he would always carry her memory with him. But for now, he had to focus on surviving in this new, dangerous world. He had to keep going, for her sake.

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