Go fish

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POV: Daryl lets you win at Go Fish just to see you smile.

Daryl had always been a bit of a loner, preferring to keep to himself rather than socialize with the other members of the group. But there was one person who had managed to break through his tough exterior: Y/N.

She was always so full of life and energy, and she had a way of making him smile even on the darkest of days. So when she asked him to play Go Fish with her one afternoon, he couldn't say no.

They sat down on the floor of the abandoned house they were staying in, and Daryl dealt out the cards. Y/N was giggling and bouncing up and down with excitement, and Daryl couldn't help but feel a little bit of joy himself.

As they played, Daryl realized that he was letting Y/N win. He could have easily beaten her, but he didn't want to risk making her feel bad. He wanted to see her smile, to see the light in her eyes, and he knew that winning would be the best way to do that.

So he pretended to struggle, asking her for cards he knew she had, and pretending to be surprised when she got a match. And every time she won, she would clap her hands and give him a big hug, and Daryl would feel a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time.

When they finished the game, Y/N gave Daryl a big smile "Thanks for playing with me, Daryl. You're the best." she smiled up at him.

Daryl felt a lump in his throat as he looked at her. She was so full of life and energy, and he knew that he would do anything to protect her. She was his light in the darkness, his reason for living in a world that had gone mad.

"Anytime, kid," he said, ruffling her hair. "Anytime."

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