Alright, calm down

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POV: You being stupid and getting in trouble by Rick and Daryl.

Y/N had always been known for her silly antics. She loved to make people laugh, and she was always up for a good prank.

One day, she decided to play a trick on Rick and Daryl. She snuck up behind them as they were walking through the woods, and let out a loud roar.

Rick and Daryl jumped, their hands flying to their weapons. But when they saw that it was just Y/N, they let out a sigh of relief.

But Rick was not amused. "What the hell were you thinking?" he scolded. "You could have gotten yourself killed!"

Daryl chimed in, his voice stern. "You need to be more careful," he said. "This isn't a game. We're fighting for our lives out here."

Y/N hung her head in shame, realizing that she had made a mistake. She had never intended to put anyone in danger, but she had been foolish to think that her prank would be harmless.

As they continued on their journey, Y/N couldn't help but feel guilty. She knew that she had let her friends down, and that she needed to make it up to them.

So she spent the rest of the day helping out around camp, doing whatever she could to make things easier for everyone. And when Rick and Daryl saw how hard she was working, they knew that she had learned her lesson.

From that day forward, Y/N was more careful. She still loved to make people laugh, but she knew that there was a time and a place for everything. And as she looked around at her friends, she knew that she had never been more grateful for their support and guidance.

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