Careless mistake

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POV: Daryl makes you mad.

Daryl and Y/N were currently on a run and they weren't finding the things they needed, which caused the duo to get on each other's nerves.

They were in a shop looking for food, Daryl made a careless mistake of letting his fat ass bump into a shelf causing it to fall and make a load bang when it hit the floor, and lose their valuable recourses. Y/N was furious since they had spent all day looking.

"What the hell were you thinking?" she shouted her voice sharp. Daryl just shrugged, "I didn't mean to" he answered not caring.

Y/N shook head, her fist clenched. "That's not good enough Daryl," she shoot back. "We need to be more careful than that.

Daryl felt frustrated, and before he could stop himself, he snapped at her. "What do you know little girl, I've saved your life more times then I can count!", "god cut me some slack women."

Y/N stared him down, her eyes flashing with anger. "I am cutting you some slack, and that means I'm not going to let you get away with dancing around the store like an elephant," she scowled.

Daryl sighed, a pang of guilt in his chest, and he looked away. "I'm sorry" he chocked out. Y/N shook her head, her eyes still hard. "You better be," she said walking away from him.

Daryl knew she was right, and he felt ashamed he had yelled at her for being cautious. He had let anger get the best of him, and he knew that he needed to make it up to her before she ended up punching him in the face.

As they counited on their endless journey, Daryl pulled out an energy bar and handed it to her with a small smile, Y/N took it with care and returned the smile as a thank you.

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