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POV: Daryl kisses you goodnight.

Daryl and Y/N were the last ones left awake and they were sat in front of the fire, Y/N was watching the flames dance around whilst Daryl was beside her. They had spent the entire day on the road, and they were both exhausted.

"Hey," Daryl spoke up breaking the silence. "Ima turn in for the night." Y/N hummed in response, her mind else where whilst her eyes where still fixated on the flames.

Daryl stood up, stretching his tired muscles. He turned to face Y/N, his heart beating a little faster. He knew that he had to tell her how he felt, especially in this day and age.

"Y/N," his voice was low as to not wake anyone else. "I just wanted to say... you mean a lot to me, you're family to me and I don't know what I'd do without you." he finished.

Y/N looked away from the hot flames to look up at him, her eyes shinning due to the fire. "You're family to me too," she said her voice filled with emotion. She stood up wiping her hands on her pants.

Daryl took a step closer, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had to do this now or never.

He placed his hand under her chin, lifting her face to met his and leaned down pressing his lips to hers. It was a soft, gentle kiss, full of love and tenderness. Daryl felt his heart swell with emotion as he pulled away for air, his eyes once again meeting hers. "Goodnight," he whispered feeling himself blush.

"Goodnight handsome," Y/N replied, a smile spreading across her face, as she turned to head to her tent.

Daryl turned away, his heart full of love for this girl who he had grown close to. He knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but as long as they had each other, he was one step closer to haven. 

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