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Daryl was used to dealing with difficult people. After all, he'd spent most of his life on the fringes of society, surrounded by other outcasts and misfits. But even he had to admit that Y/N was a handful. She was loud, opinionated, and had a habit of getting into arguments with anyone who crossed her path.

So when Y/N started yelling at Merle over something he had done, Daryl knew he had to intervene. He didn't want to get into a fight with her, but he also didn't want Merle getting hurt by the teen. So he did the only thing he could think of: he picked up Y/N and placed her on his shoulder.

At first, Y/N protested loudly, flailing her arms and legs in an attempt to get free. But Daryl held her steady, his grip firm but gentle. He could feel her tense up against him, but he didn't let go. He knew that if he put her down, she'd probably kill Merle.

So he carried her around for a while, his movements slow and deliberate. He could feel her breathing against his neck, her warm breath tickling his skin. It was an odd sensation, but not an unpleasant one. He found himself relaxing, his muscles loosening up as he walked.

Eventually, Y/N stopped struggling and settled into a more comfortable position. Daryl could feel her weight against his shoulder, but it didn't bother him. He was used to carrying heavy loads, and Y/N was no heavier than a bag of supplies.

As they walked, Daryl could feel her mood shifting. She was no longer angry or combative, but seemed almost content. He wondered if she was enjoying the view from up high, or if she was simply tired from all the yelling.

When they did one last lap around the prison,  Daryl gently lowered Y/N to the ground. She stumbled a bit, but quickly regained her footing. She looked up at him, her expression unreadable.

"Thanks," she said, her voice soft.

Daryl nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He knew that Lotus would probably go back to being difficult soon enough, but for now, he was just happy to have helped. "Now don't go killing anyone" he called out as she wondered over to Maggie and Glenn.

Daryl Dixon one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now