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"Turn your wounds into wisdom

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"Turn your wounds into wisdom."
-Oprah Winfrey

Narnia, 1000

Edmund was soon dressed in Narnian clothes like the others. When he got out of his tent ( after a perfect nap ), Olivia was at the breakfast table with his siblings.

The boy sat on a cushion and stuffed himself with toast and eggs. Edmund didn't remember missing food so much; he had only realised he was famished when he saw that generous amount of food on the table.

Edmund filled his plate with toast and grapes and ate so much that Lucy called his attention: " Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed. " She told her sibling. The boy chuckled but still kept eating.

" I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey home. " Peter replied, making the four children look over their shoulders. Instead of sitting on the table, Peter was leaning against the rocks in the back.

" We're going home? " Susan asked.

" You are. " Peter replied, standing from the rocks and heading towards the table, a silver cup in his hands. " I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe. And I am sure your grandfather misses you, Olivia. But that doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help. " Peter sipped his drink and sat down at the table.

" But they need us.  " Lucy told her brother sadly. " All five of us. "

" Lucy, it's too dangerous. You almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed! "

" Which is why we have to stay. " Edmund said, averting his gaze from the ground. His eyes scanned everyone at the table until they landed on Peter. " I've seen what the white witch can do. And I've helped her do it. We can't leave these people behind to suffer for it. "

Peter had never felt so proud of his brother. He recognised his mistake, and he wanted to fix it. He and Susan shared a proud look, and Lucy grabbed her brother's hand. Edmund looked at Olivia timidly, who nodded in approval.

" I suppose that's it then. " Susan stood up from the table and grabbed her bow and quiver.

" Where are you going? " Peter asked his sister.

" To get in some practice. "

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As Susan and Lucy headed for the targets, Olivia and the boys went for the stables, where they mounted up horses ( and Peter, a unicorn ) and headed for the training field. Weapons unsheathed and belts firmly wrapped around their waists, the three betted a race.

Edmund was in the lead, with Olivia right behind him. " You're a natural, Ed! " She exclaimed, trying to near him. The boy stopped when they reached the field, and Olivia was about to congratulate him when Peter came up and clashed his sword with Edmund's.

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