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"When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing" - Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

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"When everyone knows you're a monster, you needn't waste time doing every monstrous thing"
- Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows

Narnia, 2315

The rest of the ride was silent.

As the boat narrowed and got to the shore, Trumpkin hurried and sprinted into action, jumping off with a rope in his hand in order to tie the vessel around somewhere. Hopefully, he could find a rock the correct size.

Lucy was out next, followed by her sister and Peter. Edmund got off, holding his hand out for Olivia to grab and help her up. She did; her soles hit the ground with a satisfying sound.

Olivia headed for the rope and hoped to help the others and bring the boat to shore, but Lucy pulled her away and pointed at the woods. Peter and the others shrugged, concentrating on pulling the wooden transport.

The elder girl furrowed her brows at Lucy, who squinted her eyes at something from a far corner of the shore. It was a black figure walking on all four paws. A Narnian bear from the west of Narnia, Olivia remembered. That meant they were on the Western Woods.

"Hello, there! " Lucy called with a gracious smile. She wasn't fearful but eager, happy to see a Narnian.

All of the eyes moved to her and Olivia, who stood closest to the bear. Olivia tugged on the hem of her spear but made no movement to unsheathe it. Perhaps it was a non-talking beast lost in the Narnian woods.

The bear made grunting noises and got on his two back paws, supporting himself like a Narnian. Olivia's guard fell down, but just lightly.

"It's alright! " Lucy called again. "We're friends! "

The bear fell on his two back paws again, and Olivia grabbed Lucy by the arm, making her stop walking. The older one stood in front of the Pevensie protectively, careful with the situation.

It was no talking beast, she realised, as it got ready to attack and the way its muzzle was wet and the creature laying dead on his paws. His eyes fumed with a spark of anger, but Olivia did not unsheathe her spear. She could not make any sudden movements.

The bear began to growl, rubbing his frontal paw on the ground furiously. Trumpkin, who finally seemed to understand the situation, held out his arm and widened his eyes. "Don't move, your majesties! "

He rushed to the boat, and the bear took advantage of the momentaneous confusion and charged. Olivia unsheathed her spear ferociously and started running without taking her eyes off the creature, always sure that Lucy was out of his range.

Susan grabbed her bow, took a position and yelled: "Stay away from them! " Edmund and Peter rushed to the wooden seats and grabbed their swords, enough time for Lucy to trip and bring Olivia down with her.

The youngest yelped, and Olivia towered over her, protecting Lucy's body with her own. The Warrior Queen raised her spear high in the air as the bear got to two paws in front of them.

But her blade did not puncture his skin. A single tear escaped her eye, and she realised she couldn't do it. Killing an animal was different than killing a man; men had no honour, but despite not talking, it was still a Narnian, and she could not bring herself to kill one of her own people.

She held her spear close to her body, closing her eyes as she protected Lucy. Maybe she would die, and who knew what awaited her on the beyond? But she would die with pure consciousness, without the blood of her people on her hand.

Like a deja vu, Olivia remembered the battle of Zartar, when she thought she would die; and again, Olivia would die happy. There was nothing to complain about; as long as the Pevensies and her family were safe, her soul would be free and clean and fresh.

But Edmund wouldn't feel so happy if she passed. "Shoot, Susan, shoot! " He urged his sister on, running towards the girls with Peter by his side and swords in hands.

As Edmund and Peter panicked, internally screaming as their feet made their bodies move, an arrow finally came and hit the bear square in the chest. Except it did not come from Susan's bow but from Trumpkin's, who victoriously held his weapon and gazed at the creature.

Olivia opened her eyes and watched as the last glimmer of life escaped the bear's eyes, empty and void as his legs gave in, and he fell to his back.

Strong arms embraced Olivia, hoisting her up to her feet with a gentle hand on her hair. Edmund held her close to his chest, his sword thrown to the ground as he strongly held the girl against him.

He gulped. They are alright. Edmund glanced at his sister wrapped around Peter's arm, the other with the sword still pointing at the lifeless creature, and let out a breath. Everyone was fine. Everything was fine.

Olivia rubbed her eyes, allowing her arms to find the security of Edmund's warmth as she leaned against him. He planted a kiss on her neck, and then on her cheek. Her head found his shoulder; she never wanted to be without it.

Edmund carefully watched as the dwarf poked the limp furry body on the ground with a knife, Susan carefully standing a few feet away from the others.

"Thanks. " Lucy said, still dazed and in shock. But her manners never failed her, even when she was in danger.

Trumpkin, who was not used to formalities, looked at her weirdly and continued his inspection. He did not say 'you're welcome' or 'it was nothing', but Lucy wasn't bothered by his lack of response either.

Edmund, still holding on to his wife (who finally lifted her head and got herself recomposed enough to be able to look at the bear), furrowed his brows.

"He was wild. " The boy stated matter-of-factly. His mind worked in several ways, pondering on the possibilities of what lands had black bears like those, or the ones closest to the Western Woods.

"I don't think he could talk at all. " Added the eldest.

Trumpkin's posture softened, which meant he was done with his inspection. "Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become. " He said sadly, and Olivia could see in his eyes a traumatic past and memories he didn't want to remember. "You may find Narnia a more savage place than you remember. "

And when he craved his knife on the bear's limp body, Olivia had to look away.

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