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" If I know what love is, it is because of you

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" If I know what love is, it is because of you. "
- Hermann Hesse

Narnia, 1010

The carriage ride had been smooth, and the entire ride had been of Susan and Lucy calming Olivia, who was very nervous since it was, after all, her wedding.

The outside was empty, meaning everybody was already inside the saloon where the ceremony was taking place. It was large, beautiful, white, massive, and beautifully decorated with lanterns and flower vines.

Susan got out of the carriage, checking if everything was alright inside. As Olivia looked out the window, her mind spun differently.

What if Edmund stops loving me? What if he regrets it? What if I trip walking down the aisle? A million 'what ifs' moved. Her breathing became heavy, carrying the weight of her thoughts on her shoulders.

" Turn around! I cannot do this! " She whimpered. Lucy got startled but quickly recovered; this was what she had been trained for; she was Olivia's bridesmaid.

" Olivia! Olivia! " She grabbed the older girl by the shoulders, forcing her to look at Lucy. " Deep breath in, deep breath out. "

She oriented the Warrior Queen on breathing until she did it normally and at a controlled rate. Lucy reached out her finger, wiping a single tear escaping Olivia's eye.

" Do you love Edmund? " Lucy asked her.

" Yes. " Olivia replied without hesitance.

" And he loves you as well. I do not know your doubts, but it will be alright. You'll be together, living and loving. Soul and mind. Your wedding will be perfect, and the remainder of your life will be a dream come true. "

Lucy stroked her hair, and the girl smiled softly. " Thank you, Lu. I really needed this. "

Inside the room, Edmund stood on the altar, nervously fumbling with his tie. Susan had insisted on arranging suits for them, so Edmund and Olivia could marry with a touch of their world. It had obviously been very complicated to sew a suit in Narnia, but she managed. Susan could be very persuasive and insistent.

The crowd of guests started taking their respective places, Edmund looking at the door nervously and with sweat dripping down his forehead.

" Do you think she is okay? Why is she taking so long? " He asked, fumbling with the buttons.

Susan hurried to her brothers. " Everything is ready; everyone is in position. May the ceremony be started? "

Edmund gulped. Peter grabbed his brother by the shoulders and shook him, making the youngest boy dizzy.

" Don't get jitters! You love her, and she loves you! " He exclaimed, loud enough so only they could hear. The guests didn't need to hear Peter's words.

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