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"I haven't failed

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"I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
- Thomas Edison

Narnia, 2318

Adventures were common in Olivia's bubbling life.

For as long as she could see herself as a living being, she was always in some kind of trouble, with an evil to be defeated by her and only her. And this could be no different.

After Coriakin kidnapped her, Olivia woke up lying on a brown old couch, dust clinging to her dress and making her sneeze awake. The magician had his back facing her, reading a book and barely noticing her presence.

"About time you woke up," Coriakin grumbled, his gaze not leaving the book in his hands.

Olivia signed, resting her head back on the couch. When she looked at the ceiling, she finally noticed the night sky observing her from inside the room. She tilted her head, a star in the west blinking for a second and disappearing.

"You know, I don't like being kidnapped." The girl retorted with a sign, her hand moving to her waist only not to find her spear there.

"If you did like being kidnapped, our conversation would be much different, your highness."

"Well then, I believe we both agree on the idea of you returning me my spear and showing me the way out."

The man flicked his hand, the dust flying away from the couch and into a trash bin in the corner of the room, hidden from ordinary sight. He shut his book, finally giving Olivia attention by showing his old and bearded face.

It got worse when Olivia recognised him; that man had been present at her coronation, disguised as a star wearing a cloak. But now, he didn't look so much like a star; he looked rotten, and the lack of the magical and divine blue aura didn't suit him. But, despite being in his human form, Olivia could still recognise him very clearly.

"You," She whispered. "I saw you last night. You were in the sky– southeast."

Coriakin moved his neck, a popping sound making her scrunch her nose. "I don't like this form so much, but I took a vow long ago to guide my Queen of the Stars whenever she needed. "

Olivia slowly got up from the couch, careful with her steps. "Who said I needed guidance? "She said. "And I do not remember the stars taking a vow to guide me. "

The magician signed, brushing his beard with his wrinkled and ring-filled hand. "Follow me. "

Hesitantly, Olivia trailed after the man with a reasonable distance between them. Coriakin did not look back once; his hands were firm and steady on his sides. The house was dark, mainly decorated in dark green with golden lines that gave it a touch of delicacy. The decoration was patterned and equal, with the same symbols at every corner or five arms distance. The lights were dim, but enough so she could see the end of the hall and her own feet, just the sufficient amount of clarity the human eye needed.

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