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"The more you know, the more you know you don't know

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"The more you know, the more you know you don't know."
- Aristotle

Narnia, 2318

Lucy was certain of something: men were creeps.

Of course, she had first realised it two years ago when she was walking to school with Peter and Olivia, just one week before they returned to Narnia for their second time. Susan and Edmund had caught a cold, so Mum had let them skip that day.

The street was the same, filled with the chatting students in front of the metro, eagerly talking about different kinds of things. Olivia was talking to her friend from the swim team, Theo, while she and Peter searched for a specific magazine Susan had asked for at the newspaper stand.

And that was when it happened: a student from Hendon House passed by them and whistled. "Nice ass, cupcake!" He yelled at her, and his friends laughed. Lucy went as red as a tomato.

Peter didn't think twice when jumping on top of him and shoving his fist in the man's face. He broke his nose and busted his lip, and sent his friends packing. It was the first time Lucy was glad of her brother's fights.

She hoped a day like that would never repeat itself. But she was proven wrong when she was displayed like a trophy in front of a crowd of Calormene and Lone Islander men, who started bidding.

"I bid sixty!"

"I bid eighty!"

"One hundred for the little lady!"

"One hundred and twenty!"

"One hundred and fifty!"

From the corner of her eyes, Lucy saw a group of young girls staring at her and the disgusting men from the crowd. With her hands, she motioned for them to go away; the last thing Lucy hoped was for them to get caught up in the entire thing.

"Any more bids?"

Lucy yelped as she was yanked to the side, a placard reading 'sold' resting on her neck. Olivia glared daggers as the man grabbed her next, displaying her like a trophy. She was still pissed at them for cutting her hair short. 

"Now, batch twenty-four. All teeth, some muscle, no injuries, healthy, female. Who'll start off the bidding? "

"I bid fifty!"


"One hundred!"

"One hundred and twenty for the brown-haired lady!" Chipped the same man who had bought Lucy.

The crowd went silent. "Any more bids?" Asked the fat-bellied slave trader. He grabbed the sold placard and placed it around her neck, shoving her to stand beside Lucy. At least, they would be enslaved together.

"And now... for this fine specimen! Batch twenty-five. All teeth, no injuries, male. Who'll kick off the bidding?"

The crowd remained quiet. "Come on, now. He may not look like much, but, uh, he's strong."

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