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"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it

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"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it."
- William Shakespeare

Narnia, 2315

" What if I miss? "

" Then you learn not to. "

Young Olivia looked at the target on the wall. The small dart on her hand seemed heavy, a responsibility resting on her shoulders. "Do not miss; Grandpa is counting on you," she would think.

She grabbed the first one and missed. Her throw was sloppy and was not even close to the biggest area marked.

" I am not fit for this, Grandpa Digory. " She signed, slouching herself on the floor. " I can't aim. "

" You put your head in it. " He told her. " Whatever you put your head in, it can happen. Your mind is the truest origin of your goals and accomplishments. "

Olivia gulped. " How do I put my head in it? "

" Make it your goal. Do it until you achieve it. And even then, you never let your guard down. "

The girl felt a single tear escape her eye. She couldn't do it. She could not throw a dart correctly. She couldn't hit the target.

" I can't. " She cried.

Digory signed. " I will not press you to do anything, Bug. But quitting is never the right option. Just because you can't do something doesn't mean you can flee. When life gets hard, there is no quitting. "

And her grandfather kissed her head, caressed the girl's shoulder and left the room, leaving a sobbing Olivia on her own as she stared at those darn darts in her hands.

She took it to the heart.

Olivia spent hours in the living room. The walls kept gaining more and more holes; even the door got some. She kept throwing darts over and over until her arms would tire. And sometimes, even then, she would keep going.

She hit the bullseye. Once. Twice. But she never quit, despite aiming it correctly. Olivia kept on going until her difficulty was not to aim, but to miss. 

The girl could throw it without watching, while moving, many darts at once, and she couldn't miss again.

Because life wouldn't give her an opportunity to flee, and she would never have to.

Olivia never forgot one of her grandfather's councils again. She never missed her aim once. And she never would again.

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Olivia threw her dagger at the high branch.

Hitting it correctly, the pomegranate fell to the ground, and so did the dagger. Edmund grabbed the bag, placing the fruit inside.

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