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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
― Lao Tzu

Narnia, 2318

In a distant time, Lucy thought the worst she had ever heard was Eustace's snores. But now, she knew what the worst sound actually was: the scream her brother let out when he saw Olivia drop to her death.

She had never heard anything similar; it caused her so much agony to see the pain. Edmund looked absolutely out of control.

Lucy had never dared to wonder about Olivia's death. But now, she realised she should've, so she could know a way to control her brother's anger. And he didn't seem to be the only one.

Furiously commanded by Reepicheep, Eustace let a mighty flame fall from his open mouth, burning the face of the ugly sea serpent. The archers readied their bows at the desperate command of Caspian, aiming for the eyes of the snake. Despite the middle of a battle, the ship was quiet.

The dragon clawed the serpent's eyes, stunning him momentarily. One of its eyes popped out, counting as a victory. But the thing that could count as a victory to Edmund was seeing Olivia alive again.

That eerie voice came behind him once again. Jadis was always there to torment him in the worst times possible, no matter what. "Poor Olivia. She was an admirable adversary. Her death was truly unfortunate..."

He closed his eyes, pretending Jadis wasn't there. And that was not difficult, all things considered. Considering the image of Olivia couldn't leave his mind: he couldn't believe she had died. Poof. Just like that, she was gone, like a snap of fate's fingers.

"What if I told you there's a way to bring her back?" Jadis whispered, and Edmund immediately tensed. Goosebumps ran all over his body, a weird feeling making its way through his skin.

Eustace ran his claws over the serpent's face, the beast shrieking more loudly than ever. But, the creature grabbed one of Eustace's wings, throwing him against a sharp point of rocks. The dragon managed to spit more fire in its face before a sword was thrown at him, making him groan in pain.

Caspian screamed as Lord Rhoop threw his sword at Eustace while Lucy called her cousin's name. The injured dragon flew away, taking the last sword with him.

Edmund turned his attention back to Jadis. He was about to ask her how when a sharp pain in his head made the boy fall to his knees, holding it with both hands as he moaned. Aslan, always in impeccable timing, appeared in the boy's mind.

Death is irreversible. Do not fall to her words, Edmund. I have trained you better than this, young King.

He groaned, shaking his hand in front of Mist-Jadis, making her disappear before he could change his mind and be more tempted than he already was. As he tried getting up, the Just King fell once more.

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