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 "It's in the quiet I miss you most

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"It's in the quiet I miss you most. When my mind has a chance to wander and my heart has a moment to remember."
- Lola Lawrence

England, 1949.

The friends of Narnia had their first meeting without Olivia.

It was... tough, to say the least. Edmund looked a tad grim as his eyes scanned the insides of the Kirke mansion, painfully looking out the window at the grass outside, in the yard where he and Olivia got married a second time.

Edmund was trying to be happier. He really was. But it was just so hard. Sometimes, he could have happy days and happy moments; other times, he would think about Olivia and her smile and her touch and her presence and her love–

What bothered him in those meetings was that there was no separating Narnia from Olivia. One thing was to continue his life in England without him; the other was to go to those meetings where he was supposed to talk about Narnia, prophecies, visions and dreams.

Everything about that house, about his glory years, reminded him of her. Edmund was trying to figure out, in order to move on, who he was without her. But, the person he had been before Olivia came along was a foolish thirteen-year-old who traded his siblings for sweeties. And that was not a good person.

He knew it wasn't Olivia who turned him into a better person; it had been Aslan and Narnia. But, of course, she was there every step of the way, every tear shed, every morning he woke up.

How did you say goodbye to someone who had been with you every step of the way?

A cold hand laid on Edmund's shoulder, startling him. He looked over his shoulder to find Lucy peeking up at him with worry.

"Ed? Are you okay?"

He placed his hand on top of hers. "I'm alright, Lu."

She signed. "It's okay not to be okay." Was her answer. Lucy leaned her head against her brother's arm, looking into the place where they had their second marriage together.

"I know." He smiled down at her. "But I'm more than okay. I have you."

And he was being sincere. Edmund didn't know what would've happened to him in case he didn't have his siblings by his side, his cousin and the other friends of Narnia. He wasn't out of that dark pit of grief and guilt yet, but he was climbing out. And they were the ones holding the rope.

Lucy smiled, hugging her brother even tighter. "I love you so much, Ed." She said with a toothful smile. Looking down at her made his heart melt.

"I love you too, Lu." He kissed the top of her head, and smiled back.

They stayed in the comfortable silence for a long time, and none of them wanted to leave. Helen always used to say that siblings were the best thing that could happen to someone; you would never be alone, and they would always be your best friends.

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