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"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest

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"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest."
- Confucius

Narnia, 2557.

"Where the hell is she?!"

Olivia was furious. Eustace was riding the unicorn's back, Tirian leading them as they desperately got away from the stables and tried to search for Jill. Time seemed to slow, panic growing inside the boys as Olivia seemed about to turn red.

Eustace looked as desperate as someone could be. They watched from very far as they toured the stable apart, trying to search for the now hidden group. He hissed, eyes desperately wandering as he thought of the thousands of possibilities of what the hell happened to Jill.

A neighing sound came from his left. He first thought of Jewel, but then he saw that it came from his left and— there was Jill, smiling sweetly with a pony beside her.

"What the–" Eustace began, jumping off the unicorn's back. "Where the hell were you?!" He whisper-shouted, completely ignoring the pony by her side.

Jill smiled, grabbing his arms. "Relax, Eustace," She said. "Takes a lot to grab me. I'm more than a damsel; I'm a fighter, remember?"

He hugged her tightly, running over his usual embarrassment. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Tirian and Olivia rushed down, Jewel awaiting them. Olivia had her spear pointed at the pony by Jill's side. "Who the fuck is that?!" The Queen exclaimed, eyes narrow.

Jill raised her arms, stepping in front of the pony that now looked very scared. "Calm down," She ordered, and her voice sounded very convincing. With a little more experience, Olivia saw that Jill could have been a great Queen.

But Olivia had much more experience than she did. Her eyes darkened as she stepped forward, slow and menacing. If they could, the shadows would have bent at her feet. But they were too afraid. Sometimes, people felt like her glare could bring down mountains.

"Who. is. That?" She asked, her tone lower. She always had that straight posture, her chin high, that air of superiority around her.

Jill held her glare. If he could, Edmund would've saluted her for it. "This," She said. "Is the false Aslan."

Tirian held Olivia back by her arms as she exclaimed, enraged. "What?! Get your hands off me so I can snap its puny little neck!"

A distant chiming was heard, but they were a bit too busy to notice. "It's not what you think, Olivia!"

"Ohh," Olivia said cynically. "You don't know what I'm thinking."

"I looked inside the stable, despite you telling me not to, and saw the false Aslan stuck there– Puzzle here was wearing a fake lion skin, and I was about to force him to come with me," Jill pointed at her sword. "But he began to beg me to free him. So I did, and he told me a couple of things."

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