Take Her Down!!

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"Um, Chai, you can let go of me. I'm not going anywhere," Korra said.

"I don't know that!"

Chai refused to let go of Korra the moment they landed in Zaofu. The main objective was to deliver Korra safely back to Republic City but the moment they caught wind of Kuvria heading toward the metal city things changed. If Kuvria was going to Zaofu, then so was Korra.

Chai clung to Korra the whole way, even making the Avatar ride with her on Dawn's back to ensure the teen wouldn't run off again.

"I see it! Zaofu! We made it!" Meelo shouted

Just beyond the valley, the group could see the peeks of Zafou's buildings. As their airborne steeds passed the mountains and approached the valley before the great city, any sense of hope was swathed by dread.

"And a bunch of other people are here, too," Meelo said

Row by row in perfect formation was Kuvira's army. Poise and ready to go at a moment's notice.

"Oh, no." Korra softly gasped. "I hope we're not too late."

Biring her bottom lip, Chai stirred Dawn over the army. Her eyes were barely able to stay focused, darting across the plains of soldiers and their war machines, scared that at any moment an attack would come for them.

They reached the inner city of Zaofu and immediately made their way to Suyin's mansion. Chai could barely hear the click of Dawn's claws on the ground as everyone hopped down, rushing for the doors of the woman's study.

Korra led the charge, throwing open the doors of Suyin's study. Chai wasn't too far behind, nearly clinging to Korra's back.

A surprised Suyin hopped from her seat, chair quickly pulling away from her desk. "Korra?" She rushed over to the young woman pulling her into a tight hug. "I can't believe it, where have you been? You disappeared; everyone was so worried!"

"I'll tell you the whole story later. Right now, I want to help you stop Kuvira. What can I do?" Korra asked.

Chai drowned out the conversation, her mind running rampant with hunters of different thoughts that fired off in rapid succession. She passed back and forth on the ornate rug in the center of Suyin's office. The handwoven fibers scrunched and twisted with each step she took.

The princess bit her thumb, teeth digging into the flesh. A horrible habit that only revealed itself in times of great stress. Chai had only done it twice in her life, three if you included now. At some point, Suyin left the room taking her twin sons Wei and Wing with her.

It wasn't until Ikki practically tackled her, she was shaken out of her stupor. Her younger cousin's mouth moved fast, words flowing from her mouth like rapids.

"Suyin's doing what?!"

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Chai felt like a rope being tugged between badger moles. Her head whipped around, going back and forth between several people. Her head was starting to spin. Suyin, along with her sons, had vanished last night and had yet to return.

"Korra, you have to go stop Su before she does something terrible," Jinora said

"Stop her, we should be helping her," Opal said

"We have no idea where your mom is, or what her plan is. If we go charging into Kuvira's camp, we could get them all captured, or worse. All we can do now is wait," Korra said

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