Chapter 12 - "Criminals Can Climb"

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After a rather mind-blowing discovery and the lack of support from his brother Mako sought out one of the only few people who would believe him.

He stepped off the Air temple ferry and made his way to the main housing stopping by an acolyte to ask him a question.

"Excuse me, do you know where Chai is?"

"Yes, she's in the dining room."

"Thank you."

Mako made his way to the dining room and when he opened the door he was met with a rather odd sight.


Chai was sitting, unusually calm, at a table, dressed in a red robe. There was a pot of tea on the table and Chai held a cup in her hand. Mako shook off his mild surprise, focusing on Chai.

"Chai you'll never-!"

"Shhh-Shh-Shh-Shush..." Chai whispered

Without getting up from her spot Chai put a finger over Mako's lips, silencing the firebender.

"Right now it is tea time."

Chai held up the cup in her hands, steam wafting up from the warm liquid.

"We do not interrupt tea time."

Mako raised a brow even more confused. It was weird enough seeing her sitting in such a serene manner. The girl was always moving, even when she was just standing she tended to sway or bounce on her feet.

"Chai! Varrick's the one who set us up!"

Chai's eyes widened and she spat out her tea, hot liquid spraying everywhere.

"Why didn't you say so! Tea time can wait!"

Chai threw her cup away, not even flinching at the sound of porcelain shattering. She grabbed the sash of her robe and Mako quickly closed his eyes as she pulled away the fabric.


"Come on Mako let's go!"

Mako opened his eyes to see Chai was wearing her standard clothing.

"You...Were wearing that underneath your robe?" Mako questioned

Chai smiled, hands on her hips, "One must always be prepared. For who knows when the enemy might strike!"

She grabbed Mako's hand and started dragging him out of the room.

"Let's go! We've got a Varrick to bust!"

Mako and Chai walked down the street an awkward air was wafting around them.

"So you're not gonna ask me about what's going on between me and Asami?" Mako questions

"Nope," Chai said

"And why not?" Mako said

"It's not my business," Chai said

Mako scoffed, "Oh, come on you love getting in people's business."

"...Do you want to talk about you and Asami?" Chai asked

"No," Mako said

"Okay then," Chai said

The two walked a bit more before Mako groaned and turned to Chai.

"Come on do that thing you always do!"

"Do what?" Chai questioned

"That thing where you stick your nose in my business to try and make me feel better," Mako said

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