Chapter 17 - Mother of the Dragons

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The sun warriors had all been gathered before the base of the mountain, the one that once housed the masters Ran and Shaw. The Chief and Chai stood before the people, Chai cradling the egg so it was out of view.

"My people! The time has come. For on this day we ring in the rebirth of the dragons! I give you Chai. Holder of the flames of life! Mother of the Dragons!"

Chai stepped forward holding up the egg for all to see. The crowd of people started to cheer and Chai smiled brightly.

"Mother of the Dragons huh?" Zuko said

"I know right! I'm awesome!" Chai said

The two walked down the halls of the Fire Palace heading to a specific room. Chai had her egg strapped to the front of her in a cloth sling, something akin to what mothers use to carry their babies hands-free. They stopped before a large set of doors that had two guards posted outside.

"Lord Zuko. Princess Chai."

Both the guards greeted bowing. The two royals bowed their heads back in respect.

"Is Izumi-"

Zuko was cut off as Chai kicked open the large doors.

"I'm here!" Chai exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

Izumi, looked up from her work, slightly surprised.

"Never mind," Zuko said

Izumi sighed, adjusting her glasses. "Chai, how many times have I told you not to kick open doors?"

Chai hummed then shrugged her shoulders.

Izumi sighed again, pinching her brows. She looked back about to say something but stopped when she saw what was strapped to the front of Chai.

Izumi's eyes winded as she stood up, the palms of her hands pressed against her desk.

"Chai is that a-!"

"Why yes Gram-Gram this a dragon egg!"

Chai smiled as she gently strokes the egg that was nestled close to her chest.

Chai pointed a thumb at herself. "I am Chai! Mother of the Dragons!" She declared

"What in the world have you been up to?" Izumi said

Night had fallen upon the Fire Nation and Chai had turned in. She was snuggled in her sheets, the egg gently clutched in her arms, as she cuddled up to it. Her mind drifted off entering the land of dreams.

Chai's eyes opened, and she found herself in a new place, unlike anything she had seen before. There was a vast open sky above her, soft clouds drifting by their white forms a stark contrast against the bright blue hue of the sky. The ground beneath Chai's feet was reflective like she was standing on the surface of a lake. The area was vast and open an endless open scenery.


Chai felt a soft wind brush against her cheek and a second later Chu-Chen appeared.


"Chai, you have begun the first step into a journey that will change the world. Today marks the dawn of the new age of dragons," Chu-Chen said

Chai smiled softly from the spirit dragon's words.

"But remember this is but the first step. You must care for that egg and raise the hatchling. When it grows of age it will lead you to the next location," Chu-Chen said

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