Chapter 15 - A New Age

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Chai opened her eyes and was met with a large dragon looming over her.

"Oh, hello Chu-Chen," Chai greeted

"You have been hurt," Chu-Chen said

Chai sat up, "Yeah, my friends and I were trying to get into a compound to stop this evil man Unalaq. But it didn't go so well."

"Yes, I know of Unalaq. He conspires with the wicked Vaatu," Chu-Chen said

"Yeah. All of my friends are out fighting, trying to stop him, and I'm stuck in a bed," Chai said

"Have you given up on fighting?" Chu-Chen asked

"No! I want to fight! No...I want to protect my family, my friends, I want to protect everyone!" Chai exclaimed

"You are a strong one. The fire of life burns brightly within you. Harmonic convergence has started and it has released a strong force of spiritual energy. I can use it and provide you with enough energy to heal your body," Chu-Chen said

"You can do that?!" Chai said

Chu-Chen bowed his head. "Yes. But I must warn you this process will be painful and the rate at which it will heal, your wound will leave a notable scar."

Chai's eye narrowed in determination. "If it's for my loved ones, then I'll do it!"

"Very well."

Chu-Chen leaned over and placed his forehead on Chai's.


Several people ran to Chai's bedside as the girl started to scream. She withered and twisted on her bed as her hair started to glow.

"What's happening?"

"I don't know!"

Asami ran in kneeling next to Chai.

"Chai! Chai! Can you hear me?"

A soft sizzling sound could be heard and everyone looked down at Chai's wrapped stomach. Smoke started to rise from beneath the bandages as if someone was burning Chai. She continued to scream, her fingers grasping tightly onto the bedsheets as sweat trickled down her face. Suddenly Chai's body goes still and her screaming settles.

Everyone stared at Chai's still form scared and confused as to what just occurred. Chai's eyes snap open and she abruptly sits up startling everybody.

"Chai..." Asami said

Chai slowly turned facing her friend before a wide smile broke out.

"Hey, Asami."

"Are you...okay?" Asami asked

"Never better!" Chai got out of the bed and unwrapped her stomach.

"Chai, wait-"

As the bandages dropped to the ground everyone could see the wound closed up and completely healed, but there was a large jagged scar running down the side of her stomach.

"Someone get me a coat and a snowmobile," Chai said

"Chai are you sure you're well enough to go?" Asami asked

Chai put on a pair of goggles as she stood next to a snowmobile.

"100%. I'm going to go and help our friends. And if something happens to me, you have all the rights to say 'I told you so'." Chai said

Asami gave a sad soft smile. "I hold you to that then."

Chai threw her leg over the snowmobile and revved the engine, she gave Asami a salute then sped off.

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