Chapter 10 - Spiraling

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"You ready Mako?" Chai asked

"I can't believe I agreed to this," Mako said

"Come on it'll be fun!" Chai said

Mako and Chai stood in an open area located on airbender island, facing one another prepared for a spar.

Chair removed her jacket and set it off the side, as she turned Mako caught a glimpse of a large burn scar on her upper back. At the angle she stood he couldn't make out how far the scar went but it definitely went further down her back.

"Now don't go easy on me. I may be a novice firebender but I'm a seasoned warrior," Chai said

Mako rolled his eyes then smirked. "Please, I kicked your butt when we were in the south."

"I've grown since then," Chai said

"It's only been three days," Mako said

"Yeah, plenty of time to master the art of firebending, at least enough to kick your butt!" Chai said

"Alright let's put your money where your mouth is," Mako said

"Are you proposing a bet?" Chai said

"Maybe I am," Mako said

"Alright loser buys dinner," Chai said

"Deal," Mako said

"Hehe, I hope Lin gives you a big salary because this girl is a bottomless pit," Chai smirked pointing to herself.

"I'm going to enjoy my free meal later," Mako said

Chai's eyes narrowed with determination as she got into a firebending stance, Mako doing the same.

"Ready..." Chai said

"Set..." Mako said

"Go!" The two shouted

Both immediately attacked one another, Mako giving a flaming punch while Chai did a fiery spin kick. Their attacks collide and cancel each other out. Mako swiped his arm up sending a vertical arc of fire, and Chai dodged doing a one-handed cartwheel. When she was upside down she flicked both of her feet outwards one after another sending two fire blasts at Mako.

He swiped his hands dissipating the fire before going in a low kick to knock Chai off balance. His foot clipped one of Chai's wrist, but she pushed forward sliding between Mako's legs.

As he turned around Mako swept his leg across the ground sending a wave of fire at Chai. She gasped and spun on her back using her legs to extinguish the fire then did a kick up landing on her feet.

"Well guess you are getting better," Mako said

"Well that move was a little something I learned from Uncle Tenzin," Chai said

She ran at Mako then threw herself forward going into a series of cartwheels blasting fire from both her hands in feet turning into a wheel of fire.

Mako's eyes widened surprised by the move and jumped out of the way as the flaming Chai came barreling by.

"Mako! I can't stop!" Chai shouted

"Kill the flames!" Mako said

Chai did as she was instructed, stopping the flow of fire to her hands. Her body was flung forward, and she planted her feet but the bursting flames sent her flying backwards.

"Chai!" Mako shouted

Chai slammed right into Mako the two tumbling across the ground. When they came to a stop Chai was lying atop of Mako, the air knocked out of both of them.

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