Chapter 43: Next Step Forward

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Chai sat next to her Grandmother Izumi, the two women seated at the far left end of a long table. Both were donned in their official royal robes sitting poised, heads held high, their expressions showing nothing but confidence, exuding an authoritative aura.

Also sitting around the table was Raiko, on the opposite end, Tenzin and Lin to their left, and Wu to their right. There were two guards posted near the door and Mako was sitting nearby, still the acting bodyguard of Wu. The group was discussing an important matter, Kuvira.

"I say we deal with this Kuvira situation immediately," Raiko said

"Yes! Agreed! And I know just how to get rid of her: we tell her she won an all-expense paid vacation to a tropical island. Then, when she gets there, we reveal that it was a trap. The island's a prison! Boom! Got her!" Wu looks around excitedly but backpedals when he sees no one else sharing the same enthusiasm as him. "Or, okay, uh, I'm just spitballing here. We march in with an army of highly trained badgermoles!" Wu shrinks back seeing the disapproving looks he was getting. '"Do we know if Kuvira has any allergies?" He squeaked out.

"Look, I think we all know what must be done. We take the fight to her," Lin said

"I don't believe attacking is the right move, since she hasn't done anything aggressive toward the United Republic," Tenzin said

"Not yet. But Kuvira can't be trusted. She told us that she was going to turn over power, and she didn't. I'm with Raiko. I say we go on the offensive and start by retaking Zaofu," Lin said

"The main issue is that Kuvira seems to be a few steps ahead of us. If she wasn't, Suyin and the others wouldn't have been captured. If we were to go up against her, we can't just go with our only plan being 'attack'," Chai said

Raiko looked at Chai. "What are you even doing at this meeting?"

Chai's brows furrowed, and she pursed her lips. "And what is that supposed to mean?"

Before Raiko could speak Izumi cut in.

"President Raiko, my granddaughter is the future leader of our nation. In the short amount of time Chai has been the delegate of the Fire Nation here in Republic City she has made stark contributions to our nation and your city. Some of that work superseding even your political accomplishments. I think it'd be best that you remember that Mr. President," Izumi said as she adjusted her glasses.

The man kept a straight face, but his eyes glanced off to the side not making eye contact. Chai's lips upturned a bit, a hint of smugness in her small grin. Raiko looked back at the Princess and when she was sure no one was looking, Chai pulled down her eyelid and stuck out her tongue. The immature action caught the President off guard.

Suddenly the door to the conference hall was thrown open and in came Korra and Opal.

"President Raiko, I'm sorry to interrupt, but-" Korra paused when she saw everyone else in the room. "What's going on here?"

Wu leaned back in his chair looking to Korra. "Oh, hey, Avatar Korra. Just kickin' it world leader-style, trying to figure out what to do about Kuvira. For the record, I told Raiko he should've invited you."

Chai raised her hand. "I seconded that idea."

"You invited him," Korra spoke annoyed as she gestured to Wu, "but not me?"

"Please, Korra, it's not personal. We just thought, perhaps we called you back into action a little too soon," Tenzin said

Korra quirked a brow putting a hand on her hip. "Again. Him? Not me?"

Raiko stood up putting his hands on the table. "Korra, we're in the middle of a meeting, and we can't have people just barge in whenever they want!"

At that moment two more people barged in, Varrick and Bolin. The two were covered in mud and looked terribly exhausted.

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