Chapter 21 - Ba Sing Se

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Chai stood off to the side on a platform located atop the airship. Next to her was Asami, Jinora, and Naga with Pabu sitting on the polarbear dog. In front of them was Bumi and Kai the two circling around each other, the two were practicing their airbending by having a little spar.

"Light on your feet, Uncle Bumi. Remember, you want to be quick and evasive," Jinora instructed

Bumi held his arms up in front of his face like a boxer. "Don't worry about me, little lady. I've been in a scrap or two you know. Haha." He laughed looking at Kai. "Oh, you're just a youngster, so I'm gonna go easy on ya. Wouldn't want to hurt a kid-"

Kai runs at Bumi sliding on the floor to do a sweeping air kick. He blasted Bumi's feet from under him, the older man landing hard on his chin.

Jinora sighed. "Uncle Bumi, you've got to work on your stance changes." She and Kai helped Bumi to his feet. "Kai, that was just, really good."

Kai glanced away, rubbing the back of his head. "Thanks, Jinora, you're a great teacher."

Jinora stared at Kai before glancing away with a blush on her cheeks.

Jinora helps Bumi off to the side but the man paused before patting himself down.

"Hmm, did I drop my wallet?" Bumi questioned

Jinora turned to see Kai casually walking away fanning himself with Bumi's wallet.

"Give me that, you little thief!" Bumi said

Kai starts to play keep-away with Bumi's wallet running around the deck. This goes on for a bit before Kai is suddenly grabbed by the back of his shirt and lifted off his feet.

"Alright you had your fun now give the wallet back," Chai said rather sternly but with a small smile on her lips.

"Whoa, where did you come from?" Kai asked

"Over there," Chai pointed to where Asami stood

Kai gives Bumi his wallet back and Chai lets go of him.

"All right Kai, since you handed my fathers butt to him-"


"-let's see how you fare against me," Chai said

"Huh? But you're not an airbender," Kai said

"Yes, I know. We're gonna see how well you can hit a moving target," Chai said

She and Kai stood across from one another, Chai standing rather calmly while as she rubbed her egg.

"I want you to use your airbending to try and hit me. I won't fight back nor will I use any bending. I'll simply just dodge," Chai said

"That seems easy enough," Kai said

Chai smirked. "We'll see."

"Are you gonna put your egg down?" Kai asked

"That won't be necessary. Now let's start. It's your move Kai," Chai said

Kai put his arms up a determined yet cocky smirk on his face. He punched forward, sending out two air blasts.

Chai slid to her left then to her right, easily dodging the hits. Kai's eyes winded slightly seeing how easy Chai evaded his attacks. He ran towards Chai performing the same sweeping air kick he had done with Bumi and Chai just jumped doing a front flip over Kai.

"Using the same attack that you used on my father. Come on now, is that all you got?" Chai mused

Kai seems a bit irritated but also looks rather determined to now land a hit. He sent several more air blasts and Chai moved her head left then right, then dropped into a low crouch. She jumped and bounced all around the deck as Kai tried to land a hit. At that moment Mako and Bolin arrived on deck.

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