Chapter 29: Misty Palm Oasis

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The group traveled all through the night, Naga leading the way. They traveled into a desert location making their way into a rather shabby village.

Naga stops in the center of the village sniffing the ground.

"Aiwei has definitely been through here." Korra patted Naga. "Nice tracking, girl."

"Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seen him," Mako said

Team Avatar enters a bar and everyone inside turns glaring at the group. Bolin glances to the wall and spots a poster of himself.

"Oh look, they have a mover poster of me. Must be big Nuktuk fans, yeah, I should go out and say hello," Bolin said

He takes a step forward but Mako yanks him back.

"No. Those are wanted posters, and there's one for each of us," Mako said

Chai, fuming, snatches the poster of herself off the wall. Her hands shook with anger as she read what was written on the sheet of paper.

"'Wanted by Her Majesty, the Earth Queen, for crimes against the Kingdom.' Doesn't that cranky old eel hound realize that this could be seen as an act of war? Oh, if my Gram-Gram Izumi ever sees this..."

"I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders," Mako commented

Korra's face twisted into an expression of anger and frustration. "They weren't hers to keep! I swear, if I see her pinchy little queen face again, I am going to-"

"Uhh, guys..." Asami said

Everyone looks around the bar to see the patrons' attention on them. One man unsheathed his sword while another pulled out a spear. "We should get out of here."

Chai doesn't listen and cracks her knuckles taking a step forward but her arms are grabbed, and she is pulled out by Mako and Bolin. Korra backs out of the bar pointing at her eyes then at everyone in the bar as a warning.

The group was back on the move, Naga tracking Aiwei's scent. The polar bear dog slows down and starts sniffing around a large boulder.

"Naga found something!"

Korra hopped off of Naga and bent the boulder out of the way revealing a hidden jeep.

Naga nudged Korra in the back expecting something for her job well done.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to bring treats but, good girl," Korra said rubbing Naga

Naga lets out a whine and turns around, her tail whipping Korra in the face as she walks away.

Asami walked over to the jeep. "This must be Aiwei's jeep. He can't be far."

"Bolin and I will investigate the Misty Palms Oasis, and see if he's hold up there," Mako said

"Yes! I love it when you talk like a cop," Bolin said

"I'm coming too," Korra said

"Me too," Chai said

"No. You two and Asami wait here in case he comes back. Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves," Mako said

"All right," Korra said

Chai pouts and folds her arms but agrees as well.

"Ooh, Mako, Mako, Mako!" Bolin excitedly exclaimed. "We should wear disguises and pretend we're going undercover! That way, no one will recognize us. Haha, police work is so exciting!"

He goes to their jeep and opens a bag pulling out two rain slickers and two pairs of goggles. He puts the gear on and somehow manages to get Mako to do the same.

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