Chapter 28: Water, Air, Lava, Explosions?

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Chai laid in her bed slumbering, her blanket wrapped around her like a cocoon. Dawn slept by her head, the dragon curled up on a pillow.

Chai couldn't be classified as a light sleeper, nor a heavy sleeper, but when she's aroused from her sleep by outside forces she tends to awake startled.

So when the loud shouts of "They've got Korra! They've got Korra!" Entered her mind Chai's body flung up, her eyes snapping open. Her sudden jarring motion caused her to be flung over the side of the bed and since she was so thoroughly wrapped up in her blanket she fell off the bed unable to catch herself as she hit the floor.

Dawn let out a strange squeal like growl, startled, as he flopped around the bed.

Chai quickly untangled herself and stood up looking out the window. Her eyes went wide when she saw Bolin and Mako fighting four people and one of the men in the group had a disoriented Korra limply slung over his shoulder.

Chai reacted, the need to save her friend the most important thing at the present moment. She ignited her fist with her Sun bending and smashed her window open. With only a t-shirt and her underwear on, Chai dove through the now broken window and took off running.

Sh leaped going into a spinning fire kick aiming for the man holding Korra.

"Let her go!"

Ming-Hua, the waterbender, whipped her water arm out snagging Chai's ankle before flinging her back, but luckily Chai was caught by Mako. Bolin made a rock shield then the three ducked behind a pillar.

As Mako set Chai on her feet he looked up at the guard towers.

"They've got Korra!"

Immediately an alarm started to blare and several searchlights came on, all pointing at Zaheer and his group.

"So much for the element of surprise," Ming-Hua said

"Back-up plan," Ghazan said

P'Li turns and using her combustion begins to fire, taking out each searchlight. When they were gone she fired another blast which curved around hitting the pillar right next to Mako, Bolin, and Chai.

The three are sent flying back thanks to the force of the explosion. As they hit the ground Asami came running out of her room, kneeling down checking them over.

"We can't let them take her," Mako groaned

"I don't think they're going to get far. Look," Asami said

The criminals try to flee but their path is quickly blocked by a metal plate coming up. Lin arrived moving her arms bending the plates up. Wei, Wing, and Suyin come out adding more plates trapping the four inside.

"We have you surrounded. It's over. Release the Avatar!"

Suddenly the grass under burns away and lava pools out. The metal plates fall away revealing the criminals standing on a lone rock in the middle of boiling lava.

"No way! That guy is lavabending! That's awesome-ly not good for us," Bolin said

Zaheer lifted his staff and started spinning it using the smoke to make some cover. One of the guards launches her metal cable grabbing Zaheer's wrist and pulls off the rock.

Lin put up a few of the metal plates to make a shield and the group used it as cover as they launched attacks at the three other kidnappers. P'Li makes a curving explosion but a metal plate comes up blocking it. Suyin, Wei, and Wing run over joining the group crouching behind their cover.

"How did they get in here?" Lin said

"I don't know, but we're not letting them escape!" Suyin said

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