Chapter 35: As The Years Go By - Part 1

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Chai sighed throwing herself over the wood railing that fenced the inner courtyard of the air temple. She stayed slumped over, deadweight hanging limply, as she sighed again. Pema stood by her side gently rocking Rohan, softly giggling at the bright-haired girls' antics.

"Man it's only been three days and I already miss Korra sooooo much," Chai whined. "Maybe I should go? I could visit Aunt Kya and Gram-Gram Katara."

She rolled across the railing mulling over the idea of taking a trip. Out in the courtyard was Jinora the newly appointed Master, instructing a few airbenders. She was taking to her job like an elephant-koi to water.

"I'm sure Korra will be home before you know it," Pema said

"Yeah," Chai agreed.

"Besides aren't you Fire Nation ambassador? You can't just leave on a whim," Pema said.

"I can if no one knows about it!" 

Pema gave a good-natured sigh looking out to the courtyard. She smiled as she spotted someone new entering the area.

"I think something might be coming to take your mind off."

"Huh?" Chai questioned.

From her awkward upside position, Chai could see a certain firebender slowly making his way over. Rolling over so she was right side up she confirmed that it was Mako and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He bypassed the airbenders, making sure to stay out of their path stopping before Chai and Pema.

Mako coughed into his hand clearing his throat. "Afternoon ladies."

Pema gave the two a knowing smile and took her leave.

Chai kept her sights set on Mako. She raised an amused brow as she folded her arms.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A handsome guy with flowers and is that-" Chai leaned forward sniffing. "-cologne I smell?"

Mako rubbed the back of his neck. "I was thinking since we're no longer in mortal peril if you wanted to have that date?"

Chai smiled brightly slamming the palms of her hands on the railing.


She giggled jumping over the railing, landing next to Mako. He handed Chai the flowers, and she hooked her arm with his. From a good distance away Bumi stepped out into the courtyard just in time to spot his daughter being guided away by Mako.

"Hey, where is she going with that boy?" Bumi questioned

"Chai's going on a date!" Ikki sang out.

"What!?" Bumi sharply snapped.

He rolled up his sleeves about to stomp his way over to the young couple but was stopped as someone sharply tugged at his ear, pulling him back.

"Oh no you don't," Pema scolded

*.....*.....*.....*.....Burning Bright.....*.....*.....*.....*.....

Time ticked by and before anyone knew it, over a month had gone by. Chai hummed as she approached the Republic city police station. She strolled on in heading right for Mako's desk.

He hadn't noticed her entrance, nor her approach to his desk. He was busy, focused solely on the papers that were spread out on his desk. He mumbled under his breath, writing some thins down as he worked hard. Seeing the opportune moment, Chai grinned as she laid her upper body on his desk, folding her arms resting her head on them.

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