Chapter 16 - Temple of the Sun

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"You're leaving?" Bolin spoke with a sad sniffle

Chai gave the earthbender a soft smile. "Yeah, I gotta get to the Fire Nation. There's a promise I need to keep."

Chai stood at the docks about to board a ship and before her was all her friends along with her family.

"How long are you going to be gone?" Asami asked

"Hopefully not too long. But the moment I'm done I'm heading right back here." Chai pointed at her friends. "So none of you go thinking that you can get rid of me that easily."

The girl's words brought chuckles and smiles.

"Stay safe and out of trouble," Mako said

"Safe yes. Trouble, maybe," Chai said

Chai stepped up to Korra. "You did great Korra and thank you. Thanks to you not only am I a fire bender but I'm going to be able to bring back something people thought was lost."

She smiled holding her arms up.

"Alright everyone bring it in! Group hug!"

Bolin was the first to move, grabbing Chai, lifting her off her feet, followed by Korra, Mako, and finally Asami.

Each friend peeled away from the hug Mako being the last.

Chai walked over to her family going to her father first.

"Bum-Ju keep my Dad out of trouble," Chai said

The spirit let out a happy little titter.

Chai hugged her father before going to Tenzin and the others.

"I shall see you soon Uncle Tenzin," Chai said

"I'll be waiting," Tenzin said

"Bye Aunt Pema, baby Rohan." Chai gathered the other children in her arms. "By my mini airbenders!"

When she said all her goodbyes Chai boarded the ship. The vessel started to leave port and Chai stood on the railing waving wildly to everyone until she could no longer see them.

When night came Chai went to bed, the rocking of the ship lulling her to sleep. She drifted off into the dream realm where she knew someone was waiting for her.

Chai opened her eyes and smiled when she was met with the familiar rounded stone walls she visited every night.

"Hey, Chu-Chen I-ahh! Chu-Chen! What happened to you!" Chai shouted

She pointed at the spirit dragon who was now significantly smaller than what he had previously been. The dragon that once towered over Chai, had shrunk down a great deal. He was only a bit bigger than Naga now.

"Are you okay?!" Chai exclaimed

"I am fine. I have just been drained of a great amount of my power," Chu-Chen said

"Wait, was that because you helped heal me! Is this my fault?!" Chai freaked out.

"Calm down. Yes, this is a result of what happened earlier-"

Chai grabbed her head letting out a groan.

"-but it was for a great purpose."

"I wouldn't have agreed if it meant this," Chai said

"Yes. I know. That is why I did not tell you," Chu-Chen said

"Are you gonna die?" Chai asked

"No. I am a spirit," Chu-Chen curtly said

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