Chapter 1 - "She's What?"

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Dozens of people piled their way into the local pro-bending arena, excited chatter filling the air in anticipation of tonight's events. A lone figure walked, their form covered by a red cloak as they drifted their way through the crowd entering the building. They stopped by the concession stand grabbing some popcorn before fleeting off to the stands to take a seat.

The cloaked person was leaning back in their seat until they saw the two teams enter the ring. They sat up staring intently at the ring as the Rhino Lions and the Fire Ferrets came out.

Bolin was the only one of the original Fire ferrets left, and he wore a strained smile obviously trying to keep enthusiastic about his current situation.

The bell rang announcing the start of the match. It was only mere seconds later before there was a loud crash and Bolin was knocked over the edge landing in the water. Not even a moment later his two teammates followed suit.

"Ooh, the Fire Ferrets go down in the water, and right into the record books for the fastest knockout in Pro-bending history!"

"Where's Mako when I need him?" Bolin groaned aloud.

After his swift and crushing defeat, Bolin decided to drown his sorrow in a bowl of his favorite noodles at his favorite place, Narook's Seaweed Noodlery.

"Why hello there Bolin? Why the frown? It's not like you to not be smiling."

Bolin looked at his left to see a figure standing there wearing a red cloak.

"Sorry do I know you?"

"Oh right! You can't see me with the hood up."

The figure lowers the hood to reveal Chai.

"Chai! Hey, there little lady!" Bolin greeted

"Hey, I may be a lady but I'm not little!" Chai pouted

As she said this a few people walked behind, and they all had a good one or two feet over Chai.

There was a small squeak and Pabu came out climbing up Chai to sit on her shoulders.

"Aw, It's nice to see you too Pabu. Your fur is looking extra shiny today," Chai complimented

The Fire ferret let out a little chirp as Chai scratched underneath his chin.

"I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing? You hear to visit your dad?" Bolin asked

"I'm doing good. In the city for a bit of business but I will be stopping by the air temple to visit my Dad. But what I want to know is what's up with you?" Chai said, taking a seat next to Bolin.

"The Fire Ferrets just lost...again," Bolin said

"Yeah...I saw the match. It was bad," Chai said

Bolin groaned, slamming his face on the table.

"Hey, how about a bowl of noodles? It's on me," Chai offered

Bolin rolled his head to face Chai. "Have I ever told you, you're the best?"

"Hehe!" Chai giggled

After ordering, the teens' meals were delivered to them in no time. Chai practically drooled as the large bowl of noodles was placed before her.

"So..why wasn't Korra and Mako with you? Aren't you guys a team?" Chai asked

"Yeah...but Mako's got police things and Korra's got Avatar things," Bolin said

"Hmmm...Yes, I see. I see."

Chai nodded her head before picking up her bowl. She held the bowl to her lips before slurping down the entirety of the bowl's contents. "Ahhh! That stuff is good! My good chef another bowl!"

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