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Chapter Fourteen

    Strange things can always happen every day, making Zhongye’s high school life more (chicken) posture (flying) and more (dog) color (jumping).

    It has been more than a week since Zhongyuan Zhong also entered the high school of conjuration.

    Every day, she learns the theoretical knowledge of spells step by step, conducts physical training with Gojo Wu Xia Youjie, and accepts the actual combat tasks assigned by her superiors every now and then.

    Except for the first actual combat training at the beginning of the school year, which was a super mission, the subsequent mission levels seemed to be normal. Whether it was a first-level or a second-level task, Window's curse fluctuation detection did not go wrong anymore.

    Chuya also slowly let go of his conspiracy theory about the high-ranking mantra.

    Perhaps, it was really just that she was thinking too much.

    In middle school, I also began to learn to enjoy ordinary and extraordinary college life.

    Oh, and it would be nice if some pretty white-haired mutt didn't try to annoy her on purpose.

    Conjuration High School Training Ground

    Tokyo High School’s training ground covers a very large area, with red and green plastic and lawn below the water level, and the area where the water level is level is a stepped observation deck.

    The high school of conjuration is a four-year program. The first and second grades are mainly to learn conjuration and body skills. After the third and fourth grades, they will frequently perform cursing tasks.

    Today all the second graders went out to do actual combat missions, and the huge training ground was covered by four members of the first year group.

    The entire site is surrounded by tall trees and jungles, and the breeze blows the leaves rustling.

    It was afternoon, and the sun wasn't particularly harsh. Gojo Satoru and Nitiko sat on the edge of the empty playground.

    This peaceful atmosphere and the battle on the field form a strong sense of screen separation.


    There was a strong impact on the ground.

    Xia Youjie exhaled and stood up again, patted the dust sticking to his body, and then waved away the dusty dust particles that were lifted up in front of his eyes with his hands.

    Xia Youjie smiled wryly and said, "Zhongye, it's that guy Wu who provoked you." He is innocent.

    As a healer, Nitro only needs to learn the basics of physical skills.

    Therefore, the daily gymnastics training is divided into two groups: Zhongye and Wujo Wu, Wujo Wu and Xia Youjie, Zhongye and Xia Youjie.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now