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Chapter 42

    The weather in Neon September is no longer so hot, and the tall trees on the Lihai University campus bring gusts of breeze from time to time, so people here can enjoy the cultural festival in a calm and happy mood.

    But in a small stall in the corner of the campus, the atmosphere at the moment was extremely hot.

    Layer after layer of students gathered on the periphery of the small stall, and the students in the outer circle even had to stand on tiptoes to barely see the scene inside.

    "...isn't she too strong!"

    "That's right, I saw her from the beginning to the end, and she has never been empty!

    " Everything is amazing~!"

    "Eh? It's classmate Zhongyuan? I didn't expect to see the classmate Zhongyuan after transferring~!" "

    However, the boy who competed with classmate Zhongyuan is not bad, he just missed Let's take a look."

    "Yeah, and judging by the uniform style of their clothes, they should be classmates of Zhongyuan Sangxin School."

    Zhongya Chuya and the three of them accepted the invitation to visit Lihai Dahaiyuan Festival on a temporary basis. It was already nine o'clock when Zhong also saw the news from Sanada Eri, considering that it would take some time to go to Likai University.

    Therefore, in order to save time, they did not go back to the dormitory to change into regular clothes, but came directly in the uniforms of the high school.

    At this moment, Zhong Ye was wearing a black uniform with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. He looked exquisite and beautiful but had an aura.

    She put one hand in her pocket, and held the wooden warehouse with the other, staring at the screen in front of her with a focused expression, her arms still maintaining the previous movements firmly.

    When the fast-moving target appeared, Nakaya held his breath slightly to aim, and then decisively pressed the trigger with his finger.


    There was a wooden sound from the speaker in the stall tent, and the number on the top of the screen was refreshed and changed to 49.

    Chuya withdrew her hand in satisfaction, and the corner of her mouth slightly raised a happy arc. She turned her head to look at Gojo Satoru, and said with some pride: "I'm just short of the last one, but I've got a perfect score. You're going to lose, you idiot Satoru~! Wutiao

    Wu curled his lips and said: "...Tch, if I hadn't been careless the first time, I wouldn't be one point lower than you! And... maybe Chuya-chan's last one It will be emptied!"

    Lao Tzu cursed that the last barn was empty!

    Be sure to leave it empty!

    The competition between the two of them was a shooting competition.

    The selling point of this stall is the latest high-tech game project - it allows the props in the player's hands to be linked to the screen without an external data cable.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now