113: Extra

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Chapter 113 It's a coincidence that the curse outside the story returns to the original book, and I'm also invincible.

To solve the problem, after the sister exchange meeting ended, it didn't take long for the three of Nakahara Chuya to find out the high-ranking mantra who was secretly colluding with the rope.

The three of them carried out the due punishment on these people according to the new rules of the magic world.

After all the dust settled, the leader of the conservative faction, Leyanji Kashinobu, who had little power left, sat in the principal's room of the Kyoto School for a whole day, closing his eyes and contemplating the current situation and future of the magic world...

On the second day, he handed over the authority in his hands.

Although Jiashen of Leyan Temple is pedantic and doesn't know how to do things flexibly, in fact, except for arranging students to kill the "two-faced Nuo", he has not done anything like other high-level officials to persecute the new generation of magic circles out of jealousy. thing.

--This is also the reason why Chuya and the others can tolerate him to this day.

The conservative faction announced its dissolution on the same day after Jiashen handed over power in Leyan Temple.

Since then, the Department of Director of Conjuration, this decadent tree at the pinnacle of power in the conjuration world, has completely completed its transformation and regained its youthful vitality.

The magic world is now completely positive, vibrant and prosperous.

Therefore, Zhongya Zhongya, Gojo Satoru, and Xia Youjie, the three innovators who led all of this, became much more relaxed after the magic director department was able to operate at a high speed and stably.

However, one must not be idle.

The more idle people are, the more terrifying they are!

Especially for people with strong abilities, if they are idle for too long, once they want to have fun after being bored, it will be a disaster.

Names are called here, three super conjurers standing at the top of the pyramid in a certain high school.

In the evening, in the open space in the corner of the Tokyo High School--

"...Hey, Jie, don't keep encouraging this idiot! (xhwx3)? (com)" Nakahara Nakaya said.

Xia Youjie spread his hands and smiled like a black-haired fox: "Aren't you curious? Speaking of which, it seems that you and your wife have never tried real swords and guns since dating, so I just took this opportunity Give it a try, Wu.? (Xuan@幻学文学)_[(xhwx3.com)]? "Come [Xuan@幻缘文学]@看最新章@全球章"(xhwx3)?(com)" These two

guys The gymnastics class after dating is more about flirting than fighting sparring.

Geez, the sour smell of love.

"Well, that's what you said." Gojo Satoru only thought for 0.01 second before happily agreeing to this good idea.

Then, he turned around and stared at Nakahara Chuya with sparkling eyes, pouted and shouted in a disgusting tone: "Dear Chuya~ can you--" "

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now