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Chapter 34 You Are So Weak

    Zenyuan Naoya is the direct son of the current head of the Zenyuan family, and inherited his father's projection spell. Not surprisingly, he will be the next head of the Zenyuan family.

    This extremely high family status, coupled with the feudal ideology instilled since childhood, Zenyuan Naoya gradually developed a strong mentality of admiration and extreme masculinity.

    When he was young, he heard that there was a clansman in his family who had zero magic power, so he wanted to appreciate the miserable situation of the other party, so he ran to watch it.

    In the end, he was shocked by the aura of Shier in the Zen Academy, and since then he has fanatically yearned for his cousin Shier.

    Zhong Yuanzhong also crushed him with strength, but did not get the same respect.

    Because Zenyuan Naoya has a deep-rooted prejudice against women, so after he was defeated by the humble woman he despised, he only felt that his self-esteem was severely frustrated and he was furious.

    Unable to accept the impact of reality, Zenyuan Naoya was overwhelmed by anger and chose to sneak attack.

    Then after he was defeated by Zhongye's gravity again, he suddenly had an idea - it would be nice to give Zhongye a side room.

    In this way, he can bring a new bloodline of surgical techniques to the Chanyuan family.

    Zenyuan Naoya has a sense of superiority over his own identity. He never thought that Zhongyuan Zhong would choose to refuse, but he would be grateful for Dade's acceptance.

    Therefore, after Zenyuan Naoya was cured by the medical doctor of the Kyoto school, he first picked on the singer who happened to meet, and then said what he wanted her to tell Chuya.

    The hot-tempered nunnery girl naturally yelled at him.

    Zenyuan Naoya, because of his presence, didn't want to consume too much energy before competing with Wujo Gojo, so he took the people from the Kyoto school away.

    And Gojo Satoru, who was missed by Zenyuan Naoya, now only feels super super angry.

    He unconsciously broke the chopsticks in his hand, then slammed the table and stood up, causing the chair to fall to the ground with a bang.

    Gojo Satoru's usually expressive face became indifferent, looked down at the singer, and asked in a low and cold voice: "Where is that bug now?"

    The singer stared at this rare Gojo Satoru, dazed for a moment.

    She noticed that Gojo Satoru was very angry now, which was different from the usual joking and noisy anger, but unusually furious.

    After recalling it carefully, Diva replied: "...It should be the preparation room, right? I saw them go there."

    Then she asked Wujo Satoru with some puzzlement, "Huh? Xiaozhong wasn't too angry. , why are you so angry?!"

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now