111: Extra

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Chapter 111 The Butei Club's Bastards Gather

    The weather in Yokohama today is exceptionally good in early summer, when the temperature is moderate.

    The sky is as blue as washing, and there are a few white clouds floating leisurely in the high sky. This beautiful scene is clearly reflected by the smooth mirror-like lake.

    Suddenly, the dense branches and leaves of the trees on both sides of the river swayed, and then a few gusts of wind came, gently brushing across the lake, causing waves of light ripples.

    At this time, on the elevated track above the lake, a long tram came rushing from a distance, temporarily covering the scenery here.

    "Boom, boom—"

    After the train left the track and disappeared, the scenery here remained the same.

    However, in the middle of the calm lake surface, a slender figure suddenly appeared.

    And the strangest thing is - the other party's toes are clearly on the water, but there is no sparkle!

    The man's eyes were wrapped in several layers of white bandages, his upper body was wearing a light blue shirt, the collarbone was unbuttoned, and his collarbone was exposed, and the neatly cut black trousers completely wrapped his long legs.

    The man's posture was very lazy, but his whole body exuded a strong and dangerous aura.

    At this moment, he was holding a black coat with one hand, casually draped over his shoulder, rubbing his chin with the other hand, as if he was thinking about something and muttering to himself.

    "There is no curse breath, it is not caused by a curse spirit or a magician's spell..." "

    Just now... I also 'saw' the space collision trajectory."

    "The world fed back by the six eyes The information seems familiar..."

    "So—" He seemed to have found the reason.

    "Well, although I don't know what happened to the domain, it seems that Zhong also returned to his 'home'."

    How annoying~!

    However, fortunately, I brought him this time!

    ——After Gojo Satoru returned to the high school, he knew that Zhong Yuanzhong had also comprehended the [Field Expansion]. Since he was really curious about what the inside of her domain space looked like, he clamored to go in and have a look.

    No matter what Nakahara Chuya said, but in actual actions, she has always been used to him.

    So, she dragged Gojo Satoru into her domain world.

    However, the two of them stayed in the desolate space for less than a minute when the animal-shaped Huangbatu suddenly appeared without being summoned.

    From the moment it appeared, the magnetic field in the space around Nakahara Chuya and Gojo Satoru changed rapidly.

    A blue-purple deep vortex suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and then suddenly expanded to one meter.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now