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Chapter 50

    That day, in the face of Jiarui Nitzi's meaningful questioning, Zhongya Nakahara finally gave the evaluation: Gojo Satoru's intermittent convulsions, don't worry about it.

    But what she never expected was that his convulsions actually lasted for more than a month.

    Even Nakahara Nakaya, a person who never likes to gossip about other people's affairs behind his back, couldn't help but complain at home on the way back to the dormitory.

    "It's unbelievable, that guy not only changed his arrogant self-proclaimed Secondary School, but also hasn't been late for a month~!" You know,

    Gojo Satoru had always been stuck or late before entering the classroom.

    Regarding this, his own words: "The most important role is the last to appear. Is it normal for me to be late~!"

    Therefore, Gojo Satoru, who has this kind of thinking, can continue to attend classes on time, Zhong Yuanzhong was also very surprised by this.

    Naturally, Jia Ruozi knew the reason why Gojo Satoru did this - he acted after processing and interpreting the suggestion given by Xia Youjie without authorization.

    However, looking at Zhongya's dull appearance, she couldn't help laughing: "Ha~ Isn't this very good?"

    Jie, your idea is probably useless, after all, the person who implemented it was Gojo Satoru.

    "Hmm... It's a good thing that Idiot Enlightenment ended the second term, but—"

    Zhong Yuan Zhong also frowned his delicate eyebrows, his expression was obviously a little tangled, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "But, he seems to have changed. It's even more strange."

    "Well... tell me about it in detail."

    While talking, Nitro stopped in her tracks, took out a female cigarette from her pocket and put it in her mouth. Then she wanted to light the cigarette, but she couldn't find it after fumbling in her pocket for a long time.

    Suddenly, with a 'pop' sound, a small cluster of flames appeared in the sight of Jia Ruozi.

    Zhongyuan Zhong also pressed the lighter switch, and while helping Nitro to light the cigarette, he said in a helpless tone: "Really, how many times have I told you that smoking is not good for your health." "Hey, I will

    quit It fell."

    Nitzi leaned against the wooden pillar beside the corridor, avoiding Zhongye's direction, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

    Then she smiled lazily at Zhong Ye and said, "Speaking of which, Zhong Ye-chan is just like Jie, even if he doesn't like me smoking, he still carries a lighter with him." It's so gentle.

    Zhong also touched his nose, and said with a 'tsk', "You've become nagging, Nitrate     .


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