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Chapter 67

    The cold wind howled in midwinter, the moon was covered by chaotic clouds, and it was dark all around Tokyo.

    In this darkness, there is a room with closed windows, and the light with a slightly cold tone flickers on the glass.

    In this small room, Nakahara Zhongya's face was a little stiff at this time, his hands were on his knees and his body was sitting upright on the sofa, his eyes were blankly looking at the screen where the video was playing.

    Damn it, if she had known that Jay chose a horror movie, she would never have come here!

    In short, blame Wu Wu for that idiot!

    ——Today is Gojo Satoru's birthday, according to the customs agreed by Zhongyuan Chuya and the others. On this day, the four of them were supposed to stay together and celebrate his birthday lively.

    But the sixteenth birthday is of great significance to the three royal families of the magic world.

    As Wujo Satoru is the next head of the Wujo family, the importance of his sixteenth birthday is self-evident, and according to the rules, it must be held in the family.

    He hated this rigid rule and clamored to celebrate his own birthday, but the Gotiao family, who had always let him do things, was uncharacteristically firm on this matter.

    Gojo Satoru really had no choice, so he thought that it would be the same to invite his contemporaries to come to Gojo's house for his birthday. However, the three people in Zhongya, Zhongyuan, have never been very interested in the feudal atmosphere of the Yusanjia, and they didn't want to join in the fun at all, so they declined Gojo Satoru's invitation.

    Now that it is winter, the low temperature is not suitable for going out.

    Therefore, the three of them happily decided to watch a movie together in the audio-visual room of the high school amid Gojo Satoru's dissatisfied protests, as a kind of mysterious sense of ritual.

    Zhong Yuan Zhong also did not refuse Xia Youjie's nonsensical suggestion, because the few of them really haven't watched a movie together for a long time.

    But she never thought that Xia Youjie would choose the horror movie that made her feel numb the most.

    The Central Plains is not afraid of bullets and bullets, nor is it afraid of super magic spirits. Except Gojo Satoru, no one would have thought that such a girl would be afraid of a mere fictional ghost.

    However, due to her self-esteem in her teenage years, she could only bite the bullet and silently watch the horrifying scene.

    Hold back!

    But at this time, the cold wind from outside the window was howling, knocking on the window frame continuously, making a bit of penetrating whining sound, coupled with the occasional coolness coming from the window crack.

    Zhongyuan Zhong also fidgeted and his hairs stood on end, wanting to escape from here immediately without looking back.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now