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Chapter 77 You Are Mine Nobody Will Like You More Than Me

    At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, the earth gradually warms up, and it is the season when the grass grows and the warblers fly and the trees flourish.

    In the afternoon, the soft sunlight poured down from the gaps between the branches of the towering trees, casting partial shadows around the training ground of the Tokyo Magic Academy. The training field has been replaced with a new turf, which is connected with the dark red plastic runway, forming a strong visual impact.

    The leaves are rustling aside, and the air that comes with the wind has the fragrance of grass and trees.

    In this comfortable environment, three students are undergoing intense physical training.

    "The base is not stable, the attack is too slow!"

    Nakahara Nakaya swept his long legs towards a black-haired boy with a mushroom head, telling the other party's shortcomings.

    "Be careful, this time it's the back!"

    "It's so fast! Ah... it hurts!" Even with Nakahara Chuya's reminder, the boy still couldn't dodge the extremely fast blow, He rolled around on the lawn a few times in embarrassment, and his clothes were covered with dust and grass leaves.

    He quickly got up and patted the dust off himself.

    There was no frustration on his face, but a sunny smile, and he praised in a tone of praise: "Senior Chuya is too powerful! You are indeed the strongest like Senior Xia You and Senior Wujo!" "Tsk, Huiyuan,

    you Too lax." Zhongyuan Zhong also put his hands on his hips, and said helplessly: "When you just threw your fist, you didn't have any defense against your back, have you noticed this? Once you encounter a curse spirit that is a little faster, This little life of yours is here."

    Hui Yuanxiong touched the back of his head, and his smile looked a bit simple and honest: "Hey, be sure to pay attention next time!"

    Then, he turned around and faced the man with three to seven parts of his bangs. The blond boy suggested excitedly, "Hey~Qihai, why don't you let senior Zhongyuan guide you too?!"

    "No." Jianren Qihai refused with a poker face, and pushed away Hui Yuanxiong's approaching face, "I'm not interested in being beaten." Those three second-year seniors are all monsters, so he still shouldn't ask for trouble have eaten.

    "Hey~ What's wrong with being beaten?"

    Hui Yuanxiong clenched his fists and said vigorously, "I'm full of fighting spirit now~!"

    In order to show a good performance in front of Senior Xia Youjie Fan, he will work hard!

    "Really? Then let's practice again?" Zhongyuan Zhong also chuckled when he saw this, "How is it, Huiyuan, can your condition continue?" "Yes! Please, Senior Zhongyuan, please continue to teach!


    " Very good, you are very motivated."

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now