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Chapter Twenty-one is not allowed to leave the order!

    Although Nakahara has already experienced it, Sanada Eri's weird focus is always different from ordinary people.

    But Sanada Eri's outrageousness today still far exceeded her expectations.

    Zhong also knows that Sanada Eri has always been very concerned about her love life, and a little trouble can make Eri happy.

    So that sentence that Sanada Eri said to Glass, Zhong also immediately got the meaning of her words.

    ——Eri Sanada thinks she has an ambiguous relationship with Gojo Satoru!

    Zhong Yuanzhong also felt that she shouldn't have this kind of thinking, and other people can forget it, but if this person is Gojo Satoru, then it won't work!

    Nakahara Chuya glared at Gojo Gojo angrily, and then counted Gojo Gojo's shortcomings to Sanada Eri.

    Thinking of the first meeting after entering school, she became angry straight into her brain, gnashing her teeth angrily and said: "You trash who laughs

    at other people's height as soon as we meet!

    " Arrogant and naive, his popularity is so bad!" This is a fact recognized by Gao Zhuan, but the person concerned does not realize it.

    However, Sanada Eri couldn't listen to Nakahara Chuya's words at all. Looking at such a rare and lively Chuya, she became more determined in her mind.

    She shook her head to defend Gojo Gojo, and interrupted: "Well, Gojo-kun is very handsome~"

    Nakahara also felt that Sanada Eri was stubborn, so she reached out and poked Gojo Goko's face directly: "Be sober, There is nothing to like about this guy except his face!"

    So, put away the bad thoughts in her head!

    Sanada Eri raised her head and pondered for a second, then raised her small hand and said weakly, "It's not that I like Gojo-kun..."

    Gojo Satoru, who was called down on men by Chuya Nakahara, was complained by her, and said Not angry, he just couldn't figure out why Chuya said so much about him.

    Gojo Goku dazedly rubbed his red-marked face, his misty eyes revealed a trace of clear stupidity.

    "I'm very strong." It's not as bad as Zhong Ye said!

    The most important thing is -

    Wujo Wukong's other hand was holding Xia Youjie who was working hard while smiling and enduring, and asked him: "What I said back then is the truth, why is Chuya so angry?" ?”

    Then he said with an innocent and serious expression: “She is really short, 1.5 meters, oh no, now she has grown to 1.51 meters.”

    Xia Youjie stopped smiling, and stared at Wujo Wu in astonishment: Wu, you How brave!

    As soon as Gojo Satoru said this, the room fell silent for an instant, and three breaths were heard in a low voice.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now