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Chapter 19 It's Her

    Gojo Satoru, Xia Youjie and Jiarui Glass briefly lost Chuya Nakahara because of childish popularity disputes.

    There was a lot of traffic at Tokyo Station, and Chuya Nakahara was petite. She entered the crowd and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The three of them had to split up and walk through the crowd.

    While they were searching around, they also had to hide and hide their bodies, lest they collide with Zhongya and the others head-on, which greatly reduced their efficiency.

    In the end, it was Ms. Glass who found the locations of Nakahara Chuya and Sanada Eri. She stopped at the door of the shop, and then took out her mobile phone to notify Wujo Wu and Xia Youjie.

    Relying on the real-time sharing of positioning by the family, the DK duo came from different directions and came to the same destination.

    On the opposite side of the road in front of the dessert shop, there is a row of half-person-high flowerbeds, and the housekeeper is bending over and the cat is behind the flowerbeds, watching secretly.

    When Wujo Wu and Xia Youjie reached the finish line, they saw Jiarui Nizi in a wretched posture, and they couldn't help laughing together.

    The laughter alarmed Nitzi, and she turned around to face the two in a panic, with her index finger on her lips: "Shhh—"

    Jiarui Nitzi lowered her voice, "I just saw Zhong also go in, you two hurry up and hide Gojo

    Wu and Xia Youjie kept their mouths shut, followed Nitzi to hide behind the flower bed, and the three of them squatted side by side, watching the dessert shop with only the parts above their eyes exposed.

    After Gojo Satoru looked around the shop, he found that this shop was actually a dessert shop that he had been thinking about for a long time.

    No wonder he always felt that the route was very familiar when he followed the location.

    The sunglasses slipped off due to Gojo Satoru's tilted head, his eyes opened slightly, he stared enviously at the dessert bag in the customer's hand, and muttered in a low voice, "I've wanted to eat his Xijiufu for a long time.

    " When I rushed over the first time, the stores all hung up the sign that they were sold out, which is abominable.

    "Chuya-chan~ It's too much!" It's okay to go on a date behind their backs, and he also bought the limited edition Kikufuku that he had dreamed of!

    Just when Gojo Satoru stood up slightly to check the storage capacity of Kikufu in the store, Nakahara Nakaya pushed open the door and walked out.

    Gojo Satoru quickly retracted his body and returned to the previous posture.

    The three of them instantly gathered their energy and concentrated their attention. Three pairs of eyes with pupils of different colors stared intently at the back of Chuya—the 'he' who was about to show up.

    The figure of the mysterious date follows Nakahara Chuya, slowly revealing his true face as he moves forward.

    Something is wrong!

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now