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Chapter 25 Fireworks Festival Part 2

    In the hot summer, it is one of the traditional customs of neon that a few or dozens of people get together to play the test of gallbladder.

    In the eyes of most neon people, going to some horror scenes with supernatural colors will make people feel chills and creepy. In this way, it can effectively reduce the high temperature and dryness they feel.

    And young people like to hold a test of courage, more to enjoy the strong stimulation that this event can bring to them.

    A little far from the place where the Yokohama Port released fireworks, there is a small horror house that has been abandoned for a long time.

    A few years ago, Neon's Kanto region experienced a major earthquake that destroyed many buildings. After a period of restoration and construction, the city has long lost sight of the original tragedy.

    However, this horror house is the only exception. Because the old owner died in this natural disaster, the descendants of the owner were sadly immersed in the pain of bereavement, and they were touched by the scene, so they quickly changed hands of the shop.

    But the new owner didn't know what happened, and has not carried out any renovations.

    Gradually, many rumors spread in the house of horror where the boss hadn't been seen for a long time, and people kept saying that strange things happened here. As a result, this place has become a place for many young people to explore.

    Today, there are three young college students who like to pursue excitement. They heard the horror legends here on the Internet, and they came here admiringly.

    At night, the house was dark.

    The companions told them that the lamps in the horror house could not be used, and the three had already prepared for this. A combination of two men and one woman stood at the door, each holding a shining candle in their hands.

    "Kang Dang——"

    After entering, they closed the door of the house, and the loud noise made them startled instantly.

    "Scare me!" The girl calmed down and patted her chest, exhaling slowly: "By the way, didn't Inoue-kun say he would come too? How did he tell you?"

    It was originally planned that four people would come together, but last night, Inoue changed his mind temporarily and it was unreasonable. He explained the reason to Asai and Ino, but the girl Yamakawa didn't know.

    The horror house is a hollow three-story building with several rooms on each floor.

    Asai pushed open one of the rooms curiously, walked in with his head poking his head and said, "He must be scared, right? Hahahaha." Ino followed him in, then turned his head and smiled at

    Shanchuan and said, "Don't listen to Asai's nonsense, Inoue said yes The club is called temporarily."

    Shan Chuan nodded, walked behind the two boys, and then entered the room.

    The three of them observed the furnishings of the room by candlelight. The poorly maintained room was covered with cobwebs, and the walls were covered with dust. They could only vaguely see many neon ghost figures painted on the walls.

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