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Chapter 95 Traces He's a Puppy

    The warm winter sun hung high in the sky, and a ray of sunlight leaked from the gap in the curtains, slightly illuminating the dim master bedroom facing south.

    As the sun slowly moved westward, that mischievous ray of light hit Zhongya Zhongya's eyelids. Its slender and thick eyelashes leave a shadow under the eyes.

    "Hmm... so annoying."

    Zhong Yuanzhong also felt a little uncomfortable and frowned slightly, did not open his eyes, muttered a few words and then moved his little head to get into a familiar embrace, so as to avoid disturbing people of light.


    A low male voice chuckled in his ear.

    In the dimness, Zhong Yuanzhong also vaguely noticed that the quilt covering his body was pushed up by someone, and his forehead was lightly pecked by him.

    Afterwards, the man slowly changed his hugging posture in a somewhat cautious posture, and turned sideways.

    After a while, Zhong Yuanzhong could no longer feel the glaring heat of the sun. Her brows and eyes slowly relaxed and she fell asleep again.

    It's just that I don't know if it's an illusion.

    She always felt that someone was watching her with warm eyes.

    However, there was a deep sense of tiredness and sleepiness, and Zhong Yuanzhong didn't want to open his eyes, nor did he have the mind to explore and think deeply, so he turned his head and left it behind and fell into a deep sleep.

    In fact, this is not her illusion—

    Gojo Satoru is looking at the light from the side. His naked upper body blocks the sun, with one arm around Nakahara Nakaya's slender waist, and the other hand supporting his head, looking intently at the To her buried in his chest.

    His gaze slowly swept across Nakahara Nakaya's peaceful sleeping face, his eyes greedily traced her outline bit by bit, nothing was enough.

    In the dim light in the eyes, there is a strong sense of possessiveness and satisfaction...

    Yesterday, Gojo Satoru suddenly saw Nakahara Chuya without any mental preparation.

    After he was in a trance for a short time, what followed was the emotional peak of extreme joy.

    However, after the joy, the sense of unreality brought about by the loss and recovery, and the worry about gains and losses caused by the unreality, made him feel like a lifetime away, and he was a little at a loss.

    Gojo Satoru was at a loss as to what to do and what to say, so he could only subconsciously imitate the way the two of them got along in the past.

    However, the habitual words and deeds not only did not give him a sense of security, but instead gave him the illusion that he was still in a nightmare.

    is this real?

    He was skeptical.

    Until the physical lingering between the two parties, Zhongyuan Zhong also responded enthusiastically from the resonance of the soul, which made Gojo Satoshi confirm her real existence over and over again.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now