116: Extra

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Chapter 116

    It began to snow heavily outside the window.

    Occasionally, a few mischievous snowflakes hit the glass, and soon solidified into pieces of hexagonal ice crystals because of the nostalgia for the warmth of the room.


    Nakahara got up and poured a glass of fruit juice for [Gojo Satoru], then poured himself a cup of black tea, took a sip and said: "The black rope of the magic tool and the filth of the prison gate have happened. Some kind of mutation brought your soul here?"

    "Tsk, summoning or something, it sounds too gloomy."

    [Gojo Satoru] Sitting on a chair in the dining room casually, after thinking for a while, he said a little: "It should be It was the day when the black hole energy of the two of you collided, leaving behind the usually hidden space-time magic formula on the prison gate, and today, this magic formula happened to be activated under the action of the black rope, but the prison gate remains The power of the uncle is too weak to allow me to travel through the whole body, so the compromise effect... is to pass through the body of Wujo Wu in the parallel world." Before

    leaving, Nakahara Chuya and Wujo Wu were in prison This space-time magic formula was left on the gate, and it was destroyed at the same time.

    Its only residual mana power just happened to be attached to the black rope of the incantation tool, and the magic formula was activated at the special moment of encountering a demon, and his soul was briefly brought to the same body in the parallel world.

    Yes, briefly.

    【Wujo Satoru】I can feel that my control over this body is slowly losing at an extremely slow speed.

    Now the effect brought by the spell is dissipating little by little.

    "Oh, so that's the case."

    After listening to the explanation of the reason for [Gojo Satoru], Nakahara nodded, then thought of something, and asked, "By the way, how is your world? Those high-level people didn't act like monsters. Right?"

    "Well... so far, everything is going well, as for the old mandarin oranges—after slaughtering a batch, they are much more honest.

    " ] They were killed according to the treaty, and everyone was beyond dispute.

    The rest of the batch is now like a flock of quails, afraid to make any small moves.

    "Hey——you should have done this a long time ago."

    Zhongyuan Zhong also folded his arms and said lightly: "As the strongest but obeying orders, the honest Zero Zero Seven went to perform the task, and let those stupid and The bad executives treat the students... Hey, what do you think? The Gojo Satoru I know is not so... tsk, follow the rules." "

    Wow, what you just said is stupid, right? ?” That suspicious pause before the comment follows the rules.


Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now