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Chapter 17 The prank was a big success?

    The word "warmth" has always been inconsistent with the teachers and students of the High School of Conjuration.

    Nakahara Chuya's birthday wish this year: I must achieve a big breakthrough in height this year! Ah, by the way, I hope these two guys next to me don't make me angry!

    The most important thing is... everyone must live well, and don't die easily.

    After Zhongyuan Zhongya finished thinking about the ideal future in his heart, the first group photo of the first grade group was also successfully taken.

    The warm atmosphere is frozen in this second.

    Xia Youjie looked at Wujo Wu who was waiting for dessert with joyful eyes beside him, and the idea of ​​playing a prank arose.

    After turning his head, he lowered his head slowly, approached the strawberry cake with his head, and made a short questioning sound as if he had suddenly discovered something: "Huh???" Gojo Satoru, who was waiting for the

    birthday star, also cut open the cake and shouted Ask Zhongya to cut the biggest piece for him, and Shen Jing's small cake is the most delicious!

    Gojo Satoru heard Xia Youjie's deliberate movement, was distracted, and randomly turned his head to come to Xia Youjie's side.

    He followed Xia Youjie's line of sight, and the six eyes didn't see anything unusual. Gojo Gou turned his head and pushed Xia Youjie lightly with his palm and asked, "What's wrong?" Xia Youjie was pushed and shook

    . The body, still surprised, stretched out his index finger and pointed at a certain part of the strawberry cake: "I just saw that there was a curse in the cake."

    Zhong Yuanzhong, who was seated opposite, also believed Xia Youjie's words, Just when he wanted to probe into the situation, he was stopped by Jia Ruozi's arm.

    Jia Ruozi winked at Zhongyuan Zhongye, hinting that she should look over there, but Zhongye turned his head and saw Xia Youjie winking at her.

    That's it~ OK! She understands!

    Zhongyuanzhong also successfully received the signal, stopped without a trace and retreated to the original place, watching the development of the situation quietly.

    Gojo Satoru on the other side heard what Xia Youjie said, moved his body a little bit and bent over to approach the cake.

    He was getting closer and closer to the cake...

    While Xia Youjie was patiently waiting for Wujo Wu to reach the target position, at an angle he could not see, Wujo Wu's eyes had no meaning, and the corners of his mouth slowly He bent a wicked smile.

    Wait until Wujo realizes the suitable position preset by Xia Youjie.

    In front of Xia Youjie's hand, Gojo Satoru acted preemptively and pressed Xia Youjie's head down quickly, causing Xia Youjie's face to sink deep into the sticky cake.

    Xia Youjie never expected that Wutiao Wu would see through his prank, and he would be harmed by it before he could react.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now