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Chapter 58 I want to kiss you

    When the illusion arrived at the manor from Gojo Satoru, it was in a dark and empty space, and this dark scene lasted for a long time.

    He didn't understand why - it stands to reason that this illusion is based on the most profound memories of the cursed person.

    Why is Chuya-chan's memory so dark for so long?

    Just the second he felt strange about this, the darkness in the illusion began to change. An unknown golden hand poked out from nothingness, unfolding the outside world.

    The scene changes after this.

    The ground was destroyed, the sky was dyed red, and the earth was shaken.

    Gojo Satoru looked at the horrific scene in front of him in shock, and after that, a gigantic crater that was too huge to measure appeared in this strange area.


    He quickly discovered the difference.

    In the center of the giant pit was a little girl about seven or eight years old suspended.

    She...is Chuya? !

    what happened?

    And, is this place in neon? He had never seen this place before!

    Immediately afterwards, Gojo Satoru stopped his thoughts.

    Because not long after, he saw a person suddenly appearing in this place, a woman whose face he couldn't see clearly.


    she sighed and jumped into the pit gently on tiptoe, and stretched out her hand to Zhong Yuanzhong, who looked like a newborn baby, and said slowly: "Nah~ eight trillion miracles, we have to follow Shall I go?"

    Xiaozhong also tilted his head, looked at the woman in front of him, and then held the woman's hand without hesitation.

    Then, the woman hugged Xiaozhong tenderly and jumped out of the pit.

    Under the dim light, figures of one big and one small slowly disappeared into the corner of the street.

    The moment the two of them disappeared, the illusion space distorted and the scene changed again.

    Gojo Satoru found that Nakahara had also grown up.

    He constantly obtains information about Chuya from the Central Plains from the conversations, environment, and actions of the people around him in the illusion.

    Gojo Satoru knew that Chuya Nakahara had just turned thirteen at this time, and the place where he lived was called 'Raibo Street'.

    And—this city is called... Yokohama! This country is called Neon!

    The same city and the same country, but the historical process is different, and the urban construction is also different.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now