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Chapter 39

    The canteen of the college was violently destroyed by Zhongye, and the celebration banquet without the venue could only end here.

    Fortunately, everyone had fun too.

    Then, Mingming looked around. After thinking for a while, she pulled the An Ge Ji, who was still in a state of confusion, and prepared to take a step to escape.

    Before Ming Ming left, he smiled and said to the sober individuals in the first-year group: "I'll leave it to you later. Good night, I wish you all a sweet dream.

    " People feel a burst of sadness.

    Xia Youjie and Jia Ruzi stopped where they were, looking at the messy place with numb expressions.

    The culprit, Zhong Yuan Zhongya, ended his drunken madness and fell to the ground unconscious. Looking at her steady breathing, she could tell that she was sleeping soundly.

    On the other hand, Gojo Satoru, the instigator, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands as if nothing happened: "It's very late, let's talk about it tomorrow. Anyway, there will always be someone in charge of these logistics, and it has nothing to do with us~!" "Don't

    panic "

    The high school logistics roared: Is it okay to be an individual!

    Xia Youjie replied calmly: "Yeah."

    Then let Wu bear the blame.

    Facing the chaotic scene, people happily decided to let it go.

    But they can't just ignore the drowsy middle.

    Also a girl, Jia Ruozi has very poor physical strength, so weak that she can't hold the petite Nakahara Nakiya.

    So under the "give way" of Xia Youjie, the CP fan leader, the task of sending Zhongya back to the dormitory naturally fell on Gojo Wu.

    Gojo Satoru hugged Nakahara Nakaya in his arms lightly, and walked briskly behind Glass, and swaggered into the door of Nakaya's room.

    Arriving at the door of Chuya's room, Gojo Satoru gently put her on the bed, and then stood aside to watch Yarui take off Chuya's shoes.

    Next, Nitzi wants to help Zhong Ye change into his school uniform, which must be uncomfortable to sleep in.

    Just as her hand touched Chuya's button, she thought of something, turned her head and said, "Enlightenment..."

    "Huh? What's the matter?"

    Jiarui Nitzi tugged at the corners of her lips, smiling on the surface: "You're not leaving yet...Are you going to stay and watch the whole process of me changing Chuya-chan's clothes?" "

    Ah." Gojo Satoru finally came to his senses, and after a pause, he turned around and walked out of Chuya's room Door.

    Nitrate said: "Really." Her stupid contemporaries.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now