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Chapter 15 I like it very much

    Whether Xia Youjie's wish last night was successful or not, the result is obvious -

    now Xia Youjie and Nitzi are sitting on the steps, smiling as if watching a play, watching Gojo Satoru chaotically, and Zhongya chasing after him. ..It

    is strange to say that Gojo Satoru can always easily anger Nakahara Chuya, but in the end it is Gojo Satoru who calms Chuya's anger.

    Just like today - Gojo Satoru never opened the no-lower-limit technique, and He Zhong also practiced physical training.

    Even though he didn't know the reason why Chuuya was angry this time, he still knew how to untie the lower limit without a teacher, and let Zhongya vent his anger.

    Gojo Satoru: Even if I don’t know the reason, but as long as she fights with Chuya-chan, she will return to normal~ It’s not that

    Gojo Satoru doesn’t pursue the source of Chuya’s anger, but that he has committed so many crimes that he doesn’t even know it’s this Which event caused the second time:)

    In the end, Chuya was in a much better mood after having a fight with Gojo Satoru.

    After the battle, Gojo Satoru was still puzzled, but when he turned his head, he saw Xia Youjie smiling like a cat who stole fish... Gojo Satoru, whose

    mind was spinning very quickly, instantly shifted his target and reached out to Xia Youjie Afterwards, he bent his palms: "I see you laughing very upset, let's fight, Jie."

    Xia Youjie stood up abruptly, twisted his neck that had become stiff from watching the drama, and then stretched his limbs: "As you said Wish, Enlightenment."

    Afterwards, Chuya sat on the steps next to Glass and drank a sports drink, and the evening breeze blew the ochre-colored hair on her forehead, bringing a little coolness.

    After the thoughtful and eccentric Nitzi waited for Zhongye to breathe gently, he held her hand that had a high temperature after exercising, and launched the reversal operation to treat the injuries on Zhongye's body caused by fierce fighting.

    Then the two turned their heads in tacit understanding and continued to look at the playground. Wujo Wu and Xia Youjie had changed from serious fighting to joking.

    In short, in this afternoon's gymnastics training class, the family may become the only winner - I watched three comedies performed by the same period.

    At 7:00 p.m. in the dormitory building of the Conjuration College,

    a slender hand twisted the handle of the faucet in the bathroom, and the fine water from the shower head poured down immediately.

    The steam from the hot water soon permeated the entire bathroom, and the mirror and the glass of the shower room were quickly covered by a layer of dense mist, making it difficult to see the shadows of people inside.

    The sound of drizzling water echoed in Zhongye's ears, and Zhongye wiped off the moisture that had condensed into water on her face, and the light of the incandescent lamp softly sprinkled on her face, forming a glow of Yingze under the influence of the water. faint.

Ms. Chuya from the High School of ConjurationWhere stories live. Discover now