𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏.

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all 8 of them were training in the boxing room until their trainer comes: junhyeon, seungyeon, minjun and seunghwan on one side whilst gunwook, jisub, juntaek and matthew were on the other side.

they all stopped when suddenly haemin walked in and put some boxing gloves on, all lining up and bowing to him once again. he was probably their trainer for today. the senior went on the ring that was in the centre of the room, leaning against the ropes whilst facing the trainees.

"i'll be your trainer for today. to help with dance, you need to know how to be quick, sharp and, flexible with your moves."

seungyeon just side-eyed the rest who were listening to him obediently like they were his little puppies.

"you're all gonna come up, one by one... and battle me," haemin continued.

seungyeon was ecstatic: 'does that mean i can hit him? punch the shit out of him oh my god watch what i'm gonna do,' she thought to herself. haemin just smirked as his eyes fixtated on seungyeon.

haemin had beat all the trainees so far and the girl was getting agitated at how everyone were being cowards and not hitting haemin

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haemin had beat all the trainees so far and the girl was getting agitated at how everyone were being cowards and not hitting haemin. so what if he's a sunbae, it's for training purposes right? it's not like seungyeon has a total huge colossal massive grudge against the older like.. what made you think that.

it was now minjuns turn, and then hers next. minjun went up on the ring, hesitant in front of haemin.

"hit me," haemin said and the trainee just stared blankly at him.

"tsk, just hit him minjun!" seungyeon shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth so he could hear her clearer.

he tried, but haemin dodged it.

"try again!" seungyeon shouted.

he tried once again and this time haemin dodged it again, waiting a few seconds before elbowing the other in his stomach and putting a blow to his face which caused minjun's back to hit the floor, laying down in pain.

"minjun!" seungyeon exclaimed as she quickly ran to the ring, lifting her best friend's head up a little.

"since you're here, you can try hitting me now right?"

seungyeon turned her head and glared at him, grabbing minjuns boxing gloves before the manager and jisub took him away.

she scoffed whilst putting the gloves on, "so i can really hit you right?"

haemin just eyed her, "you've got a lot of confidence," he said as they both walked closer to each other, faces only inches apart but with their fists against each other acting as a barrier between them. he nudged her hand a little to signal it started.

at first, they both dodged each other's punches until seungyeon finally managed to grab his arm, twist it and then gift him an uppercut which made him fall back onto the floor in defeat. all the trainees and the manager gasped in shock.

seungyeon breathed heavily as she blew one of the hairs on her forehead from the wig, "that's how it's done."

seungyeon sat in the president's office, head hanging low whilst she got scolded by her uncle

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seungyeon sat in the president's office, head hanging low whilst she got scolded by her uncle.

her uncle paced around the room, hands on his hips: "god, you! why are you causing trouble?!"

"whatttttt, he said i could hit him!"

"are you looking to get suspended?" he asked his niece.

"no uncle plea-"

"go apologise to him then!"

"what?! me?! apologise?!"

"yes you! or would you rather get suspended-"

"no no uncle i'll apologise now!" she quickly rushed out of his office, sighing in frustration.

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