𑄽୧ : 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒚-𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕.

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🗓️ : the next day.
📍 mnh studios.

"inah... the diamond necklace for today's shoot was left behind," hee assistant hesitantly said.

"what?" inah stood up, "left behind?" she said in a stern manner.

"it was left at haemin's house..." he replied.

the idol sighed as she pulled her phone out, "i have to do everything myself around here."



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the necklace for the shoot was left at haemin's house, could u drop it off on ur way to the airport????



as coincidences have it, 8turn juniors were heading the same way, all except 1: junhyeon. whilst all members were dicusssing junhyeon's absence, seungyeon spoke up.

"perhaps we should've helped him out, no?"

"well," gunwook continued, "it's a problem regarding his family, it's outside of the company."

"yeah but, it'd be fine if he missed out on a normal day but it's a photoshoot," seungyeon continued.

"we can't go against the rules seungyeon," matthew spoke out.

hyundae piped up, "maybe you have the same experience with problems since you're so adamant at helping out junhyeon, seungyeon."

the girl's eyes widened quickly, "ah no no. i'm just a sympathetic person."

meanwhile, haemin was sat in the car as jihyun drove him to the airport, planning to stop at the photoshoot first.

"anyways jihyun hyung, are you sure you're not dating jia noona?" haemin smirked as he teased his manager.

"huh? what?! where did that come from?" jihyun panicked.

"no it's just, you could've got express shipping but you chose to drive there instead. recently you two have been together all the time."

"what? well, if that's the case then... then you and seungyeon are dating since you're together all the time! like a pair of siamese twins!"

haemin choked on the water he was drinking, eyes widening: "w-what?! who's sticking with who! what the hell are you talking about? from now on, that guy will never be invited to my house again," the idol scoffed as he continued; "dating my ass... who's dating who."


after getting changed into her suit for the shoot, seungyeon was about to make a quick trip to the bathroom until she bumped into inah.

"ah, sorry sunbae," seungyeon said as she bowed. "you look really pretty in that dress," she said once she looked up again.

inah gave a bittersweet smile: "thank you, you look good too. where are you going?"

"ah, just a trip to the bathroom." in order to excuse herself, seungyeon bowed and took off.

"hurry back out," haemin said to jihyun who parked in front of the building and got out to retrieve the necklace he was dropping off from the backseat.

once he went, haemin started browsing through his phone. all of a sudden, he came across seungyeon's photo from the hospital visit.



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with a sigh, he almost deleted the photo, but something made him hold himself back.

on the other hand, seungyeon stood in the girls bathroom, staring at her phone as she sighed, wondering why haemin hasn't called in days. "is it because you've got a girlfriend now?"

holding back her tears, seungyeon just shook her head and headed out in a daze, eyes widening when she ran into the president of the company who started quietly panicking.

"seungyeon! you're brave for going into the girls bathroom! imagine if someone saw you come out!"

"uncle it's-"

"uncle?!" he whisper-shouted, "ah seungyeon, stop being so risky today!"

the girl frowned and bowed at the president.

little did they know, hyundae heard it all.

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